EU Growth
EU Business
Cssr Thierry Breton
DG Kerstin Jorna
European Elections 2024
Single Market and Industry
Much More than a Market!
On 18 April, following the publication of Enrico Letta's report, 'Much More than a Market', President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen expressed her gratitude for this contribution, and highlighted the timeliness of the report amidst significant transformations in the European Union's internal and external environment. Mr. Letta's comprehensive report addresses the need to adapt policies to ensure continued prosperity and competitiveness, emphasising key areas such as deepening the Single Market, access to finance, energy costs, digital infrastructure, and skills development. President von der Leyen acknowledged progress made in some areas but stressed the need for further action. Particularly noteworthy is the call for a more European approach to the defense industrial base to enhance efficiency and interoperability among Member States' armed forces. President von der Leyen assured the Commission's thorough review of the report and expressed eagerness to collaborate on these crucial issues.
That's a wrap ... Hannover Messe 2024!
Between 22-26 April, under the headline “Investing in EU Industry”, the European Union stand at Hannover Messe showcased EU initiatives promoting the EU as a business destination. Through 31 presentations and panel discussions in the on-stand auditorium, along with 10 interactive screens, visitors could explore how the EU supports competitiveness, ensures access to clean, affordable, and secure energy, and fosters innovation and skills. Throughout the week, colleagues from GROW, the European Investment Bank Group, and the Enterprise Europe Network welcomed over 2,500 visitors at the exhibition stand, addressing their specific questions. GROW is grateful to its partners for their support and is already looking forward to more conversations at the EU stand next year!
Connecting EU industrial clusters: Insights from the 9th European Cluster Conference
The European Cluster Conference 2024, organised by the Commission together with the Belgian Presidency, took place in Brussels on 7-8 May, gathering nearly 700 participants, including hundreds of cluster organisations, regional and national policymakers, SMEs, and researchers for one and a half days of impactful discussions on the role of industrial clusters in implementing EU industrial policy objectives. One of the main outcomes of the discussions was that connecting clusters across Europe is key to achieving a truly European approach to value chains that goes beyond national borders. Speakers also conveyed that clusters provide the critical mass and stability needed to attract private investments and to leverage these with public investments.
How does the EU protect businesses from unfair trading practices?
Interested in discovering how European businesses are navigating the challenges of unfair competition? Watch our latest Business Planet episode, in collaboration with Euronews, as we explore the strategies European industries are employing to protect themselves. From anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures to regulations like the Foreign Subsidies Regulation, European companies are proactively defending against unfair practices. Discover how these initiatives are leveling the playing field and ensuring fair competition for European businesses, ultimately safeguarding their sustainability and future growth.
The IP Helpdesk now at your fingertips via the Your Europe portal
EU citizens and businesses operating across EU borders often face challenges in navigating complex rules and procedures. The Single Digital Gateway offers a solution by providing easy online access to essential information, administrative processes, and support services. Accessed through the Try the IP Helpdesk!
Inaugural high-level meeting of the Joint European Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest (JEF-IPCEI)
Launched last year, JEF-IPCEI facilitates collaboration among Member States, EFTA States, and Commission services to drive breakthrough innovations in key sectors and technologies. On 7 March, the Commission organised the inaugural high-level meeting of JEF-IPCEI, attended by senior officials responsible for economic and industrial policy in the Member States. The session produced a comprehensive work plan for 2024, aiming for tangible outcomes by year-end. Discussions focused on identifying potential new candidate technologies or infrastructures for future IPCEIs to improve efficacy and pinpoint strategic technologies for future projects.
Geographical Indication (GI) protection for craft & industrial products
Geographical indications protect products against misuse or imitation of the registered name and guarantee the true origin of the product. These rules ensure all producers in a given geographical area have collective rights over a product, as long as certain requirements are met. Discover the fascinating world of Geographical Indication by watching our explanatory video, press the 'More' button.
Parliamentary meeting explores future of Craft and Industrial Geographical Indication (CIGI) Regulation
MEP Marion Walsmann and the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) hosted a discussion on the new craft and industrial geographical indication (CIGI) protection Regulation (EU) 2023/2411 with key stakeholders. The registration system for CIGI will be operational by 2 December 2025, allowing producers to register their authentic craft and industrial products. GROW's Director-General, Kerstin Jorna emphasised the importance of stakeholders embracing the regulation and urged them to fully leverage its potential. She stressed the need to showcase, share, and highlight the benefits of the regulation to ensure its effective implementation and maximise its advantages for all involved.
Unveiling the Impact: Key Achievements of the Single Market Enforcement Task Force (SMET) in 2022-2023
Created in 2020, the Single Market Enforcement Taskforce (SMET) is a high-level forum where Commission and Member States work together to improve the functioning of the Single Market by identifying and removing very concrete and practical barriers.
The 2022–2023 SMET report highlights significant achievements:
-Removal of over 300 unjustified prior checks for professionals from other Member States, aiding in the recognition of professional qualifications.
-Elimination of 90 process-related barriers to permitting for renewable energy projects, simplifying the process for wind and solar energy installations.
-Identification of 8 best practices to reduce administrative burden for cross-border service providers while preserving worker protection.
-Launch of a new project to tackle IBAN discrimination in the public sector and telecoms, enhancing cross-border operations for citizens and businesses in the Single Market.
Revealing Europe's Economic Pulse: The Single Market and Competitiveness Scoreboard 2024
This online tool presents a comprehensive array of 150 indicators, shedding light on the Single Market's impact on the EU economy. Explore the landscape of EU law implementation, business conditions, and key policy objectives, all aimed at fostering growth, resilience, and innovation. Experience this year's enhancements featuring additional key performance indicators outlined in the Long-term Competitiveness Communication of 16 March 2023. Discover the 3 meticulously curated sections and country-specific insights, offering a panoramic view of Europe's economic dynamism.
Insights into the 2023 GROW's Enforcement activities
The Commission uses a wide range of enforcement measures to ensure the smooth functioning of the Single Market. These activities include monitoring the transposition of EU laws into national legislation by member states, addressing infringements of Single Market rules through legal proceedings, facilitating cooperation and problem-solving through mechanisms like the EU Pilot, the Internal Market Information System (IMI) and package meetings. The Commission oversees notifications in areas such as technical regulations and services, and provides support to resolve cross-border issues through initiatives like SOLVIT. These efforts collectively uphold the integrity and effectiveness of the Single Market, promoting fair competition and facilitating economic growth. Press the ‘More’ button and discover the number of infringement cases, the sectors most concerned, and the directives overseen by GROW in 2023.
Greening Industry
Discover the Community of Public Buyers for Sustainable Solar PV
The 2023 energy crisis underscored the urgent need for a swift transition to renewable energy to bolster the EU's energy autonomy. Solar energy emerged as the dominant force, surpassing all other technologies combined in new power generation capacity within the EU. With consistent annual growth rates exceeding 40% over the past three years, solar energy showcases remarkable resilience and expansion. Amid this dynamic renewable energy landscape, the Community of Public Buyers for Sustainable Solar PV stands at the forefront of innovation and collaboration. Hosted on the Public Buyers Community Platform, this community brings together public organisations across the European Union, united by a common goal: to accelerate the adoption of sustainable solar photovoltaic (PV) technology.
Information Day for strategic projects under the Critical Raw Materials Act
The selection of strategic projects is one of the key implementation tasks of the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), which will enter into force in the coming weeks. To present the application and assessment process and enable project promoters to get familiar with the submission procedure, the Commission organised on 30 April an Information Day on Strategic Projects. Find comprehensive and detailed information regarding the entire workflow for the application, evaluation and selection of strategic projects under the CRMA, including practical information on how to apply on its dedicated website, here.
Launch of the Sustainability Guarantee Web Tool
The InvestEU Sustainability Guarantee supports debt financing solutions for European SMEs, Small Mid-Caps, natural persons, and housing associations whose investments can contribute to the EU’s goal of making our economy greener and more sustainable. To help intermediaries navigate and apply the diverse eligibility criteria of this product, an advisory web tool called the 'Sustainability Guarantee Tool' aims to assist financial intermediaries and final recipients with the assessment of investment projects, in line with the eligibility criteria under the Sustainability Guarantee. This tool has been developed under the InvestEU-backed Green Gateway, thanks to the funding support of the InvestEU Advisory Hub, and is available at: EIF InvestEU Sustainability Guarantee - Financing sustainable businesses and green investments.
The European Small and Mid-Cap Awards 2024 nomination process is now open!
The European Small and Mid-Cap Awards aim to promote best practices and encourage more SMEs to access capital markets by publicly listing on stock markets. The Awards showcase the diversity of European markets and aim to promote stock listings, in particular targeting SMEs and growth companies. These companies are critical to European economic recovery and to accomplishing the EU’s goals of job creation, competitiveness and growth. The winners of each of the 5 categories will be revealed during a ceremony as part of the SME Assembly 2024 in Budapest, Hungary, on 18-20 November.
Industrial ecosystems
Industrial Ecosystems: taking stock of the path to the green and digital transition
GROW collaborates closely with Europe's industries and other stakeholders to launch transition pathways, driving the green and digital transitions across industrial ecosystems while enhancing economic resilience. To assess progress, GROW has prepared a series of factsheets on key industrial ecosystems where transition pathways have been co-created and launched. Explore them all by clicking the 'More' button.
The Transition Pathway for Tourism turned 2!
On 15 March, GROW celebrated the two-year anniversary of the Transition Pathway for Tourism with an event reflecting on its impact. Since its launch in February 2022, the Pathway has boosted the tourism sector's green and digital transition, enhancing its resilience. Through an online call for commitments, stakeholders have contributed to four sets of pledges. The event assessed progress, showcased industry examples, and discussed future challenges.
The 1st round of pledges for the textiles transition pathway is out!
Following the publication of the transition pathway for the textiles ecosystem in June 2023, stakeholders were invited to share their concrete actions to support the co-implementation of the transition pathway and help make the EU textiles, clothing, leather and footwear industry greener, more digital, resilient and competitive. On 1 March, the Commission published the first batch of 110 pledges received. The pledges cover all 8 sections of the transition pathway, showcasing many actions by stakeholders to make the textiles ecosystem more sustainable, circular and digital, as well as to ensure adequate skills. The pledges include promoting sustainable fashion and reshaping consumption patterns, offering repairs, customer-to-customer sales and the possibility of donating used clothing, support for building up facilities to recycle textile waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, collaboration for dedicated research and innovation frameworks for textiles, up/reskilling activities, support for the implementation of the Pact for Skills for the textiles ecosystem, as well as increasing female representation in management positions.
EU solidarity with Ukraine
Ukraine's Future Summit
At Ukraine's Future Summit, co-organised by the Commission's DG GROW and NEAR on 18 April, speakers highlighted the importance of business engagement and investment in shaping Ukraine's future. They emphasised the extensive opportunities offered by closer integration with the EU Single Market. Check out the support actions for Ukraine here.
Calls, reports, surveys...
Call for proposals for the EU-Ukraine Cluster Partnership Programme
The EU-Ukraine Cluster Partnership Programme will mobilise EUR 3,000,000 to develop value chains interlinkages between EU and Ukrainian companies and foster clusters’ ability to offer EU and Ukrainian SMEs professional support and capacity-building.
Calls for expressions of interest for the EU-South Med and EU-Taiwan Matchmaking events are open!
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) is organising two matchmaking events for European clusters and SMEs to connect with counterparts from South Med countries (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Tunisia) and Taiwan. The calls are open until 16 May.
New Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs call!
This call aims to select Intermediary Organisations to implement the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme at local level. They will be responsible for recruiting and matching entrepreneurs with host entrepreneurs. Learn more and apply by 27 June here.
Call for proposals for the new Enterprise Europe Network is now open!
This call for proposals ensures the continuous functioning of the Enterprise Europe Network from 1 July 2025 until 31 December 2028 by selecting the consortia that will make up the Network. The new Network will play a crucial role in helping European SMEs grow and become more competitive, while at the same time increasing sustainability, resilience and digitalisation levels among SMEs. The Commission aims at receiving proposals from established business support organisations with proven experience in providing business support services to SMEs, such as, for example, chambers of commerce, craft or industry, innovation agencies, regional development agencies, trade promotion agencies, universities, research and/or technology transfer organisations and other organisations with relevant experience.
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