Classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals

If you supply any hazardous chemicals within the EEA, you must abide by the REACH Regulation and ensures that the hazards of chemicals are clearly communicated to workers and consumers through pictograms and standard statements on labels and safety data sheets.

If you are a newcomer to EU laws on chemicals, have a look at the guide to chemical safety for small and medium-sized businesses Open as an external link . You should take account of the processes associated with biocides and pesticides Open as an external link , if applicable, when planning CLP procedures.

Hazardous chemicals

Before placing chemical substances or mixtures of such substances on the market, you must:

  • establish any risk they may pose to human health and the environment and classify them according to the hazards you identify
  • label and package hazardous chemicals using the standardised system set out in the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation so that workers and consumers know about their effects before they handle them.

If you place a hazardous substance on the market (whether on its own or mixed with other substances), you must notify Open as an external link its classification and labelling to the Classification and Labelling Inventory set up by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA Open as an external link ). Notifications are free of charge and must be completed within one month of placing the substance/mixture on the market for the first time. If you are an importer, the deadline is counted from the day when a substance (or mixture of substances) enters EU customs territory.

How to classify, label and package chemicals

You must follow 2 rules:

  • Classify, label and package chemical substances in line with the new CLP system and inform your users of the classification.
  • Label and package mixtures of substances in line with the new CLP system only.

Unique formula identifier

The unique formula identifier (or UFI) was developed to assist poison centres with the fast and correct identification of products during emergency calls. All products containing hazardous substances must display the UFI code on the label.

UFI guidance and code generator

How to comply with CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging) Regulation

The CLP Regulation applies to a wide range of companies:

  • manufacturers
  • importers & re-importers of substances or mixtures
  • producers of specific articles
  • formulators & distributors
  • retailers.

Your obligations depend on your role in the supply chain.

The EU has incorporated the new worldwide rules (Globally Harmonised System - GHS) developed by the United Nations into the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation. The aim is to make global trading easier and help consumers.

See also:

See also

EU legislation

Need support from assistance services?

Get in touch with specialised assistance services

National helpdesks for chemicals

The national helpdesks are your first contact point on questions related to your obligations under the CLP and REACH Regulations.

Product Contact Point

Your Product Contact Point can inform you on national product legislation and help you access another national market in the EU.

Do you have questions on operating a business cross-border, for example exporting or expanding to another EU country? If so, the Enterprise Europe Network can give you free advice.

You can also use the assistance service finder to find the right help for you.

Last checked: 17/04/2024
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