Hey, my name is Hugo Gresse, I'm a french developer, making Open Source projects. I'm also an active community organizer and a mobile developer of INRIA.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Open Feedback and Open Planner
- 💬 Ask me about anything, among others React, Firebase, javascript, some typescript, …
- ❤️ Sponsor
- Open Feedback is a SaaS for organizer and speakers to gather sessions feedbacks
- Open Planner is a SaaS for organizer which is the missing link between Conference Hall, your conference website and OpenFeedback
- Bataille multiplayer online RTS conquest game made with PhaserJS and socket.io
- Fill-My-Slides generate images using a Google Slide template and .json datas
- Ical2Api take any .ical, aggregate them and provide an API and Slack reminders
- HACS Repositories display Home Assistant Packages for HACS with filters/sort
- Name Picker make choosing somebody first name easy with advanced letter rules
- DoctoRating browser plugin display Google Maps health workers on doctolib.fr
- Anecdote FOSS android app to read many online quotes websites, also on FDROID