View in Details: Click the Details button , you see a message with a link to the note. See on your Mac, select a conversation.
To search for contacts and content in conversations, click in the Search field in the top-left corner and enter what you’re looking for. Or, choose from the suggested contacts, links, photos, and more.
In a conversation, hold the pointer over the item sent with invisible ink to “wipe” it away and view the item. The item is again blurred when you move your pointer away.
View items from iOS and iPadOS devices
Using some iOS and iPadOS devices, people can send you handwritten messages and Digital Touch elements (like a sketch or heartbeat), and send payments with Apple Cash. Some of these items can only be viewed on an iOS or iPadOS device, but you can view others on your Mac.
Note: If someone sends an Apple Cash payment or request, you can see it on your Mac, but you can only respond to it on your iOS or iPadOS device.
In the Messages app
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