Open Wallpaper settings for me
Select a wallpaper from one of the available categories:
Dynamic Wallpapers: These images brighten and darken based on the time of day for your current location.
Landscape, Cityscape, Underwater and Earth aerials: These still images show dramatic views.
Shuffle Aerials: These still images change at an interval you set.
Pictures: These still images show creative pictures.
Colours: These swatches apply a solid-colour background for your desktop.
Set options for your wallpaper.
Options vary based on the wallpaper you choose. For example, you can:
Turn on a slow-motion aerial as a screen saver, using the still aerial of your wallpaper.
Choose how often to shuffle through aerials.
Choose light or dark still versions of Dynamic Wallpaper.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu in the > System Settings, then click Wallpaper Change your login picture on Mac