Use Phone on your Apple Watch to answer calls. You can also hold calls, switch calls to your iPhone, send calls to voicemail, and listen to your voicemail.
WARNING: For important information about avoiding distractions that could lead to dangerous situations, see to talk using the built-in microphone and speaker or a Bluetooth device paired with your Apple Watch.
Answer using your iPhone or send a text message instead: Tap to mute your end of the call (if you’re listening on a conference call, for example).
Enter additional digits during a call: Tap and choose an audio destination.
If a caller leaves voicemail, you get a notification—tap the Play button in the notification to listen. To listen to voicemail later, open the Phone app on your Apple Watch, then tap Voicemail.
On the voicemail screen you have these options:
Adjust volume with the Digital Crown
Start and stop playback
Skip ahead or back five seconds
Call back
Delete the voicemail
Read a transcription of the voicemail