Ask Siri. Say something like: “Tell Pete I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” Then lower your wrist to send.
Open the Messages app to search for someone in your contacts or to dictate a phone number.
Turn the Digital Crown to scroll to the bottom of the message, then choose how to reply.
Scribble a message: Tap
Create an audio clip: Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, tap My Watch, go to Messages > Dictated Messages, then tap Transcript, Audio, or Transcript or Audio. If you tap Audio, the recipient gets your dictated text as an audio clip to listen to, not a text message to read. If you tap Transcript or Audio, you can choose the format of your message when you send it.
Send emoji: Tap .
Select an amount to send using the Digital Crown, then tap Pay.
Confirm the payment, then double-click the side button to send.
Firmly press the display while viewing a conversation.
Tap Details, then tap .