Organize with subtasks and groups. To turn a reminder into a subtask, press Command-], or drag it on top of another reminder. The parent reminder becomes bold, and the subtask is indented underneath it. You can collapse or expand your subtasks to keep your view uncluttered.
To group reminders together, choose File > New Group. Name the group whatever you’d like. Add more lists by dragging them into the group, or remove them by dragging them out.
See what you’ve completed.The Completed Smart List in your sidebar lets you see all of your finished reminders, including when you checked them off.
Get reminder suggestions in Mail. When you’re corresponding with someone in Mail, you can use Siri to recognize possible reminders and make suggestions for you to create them.
Add a reminder quickly. Use natural language to quickly add a reminder. For example, write “Take Amy to soccer every Wednesday at 5PM” to create a repeating reminder for that day and time.
Learn more. See the Reminders User Guide.