Reply All in the toolbar of the message window or choose Message > Remove Attachments.
Choose attachments settings for all replies: Choose Edit > Include Attachments With Replies, then select an option.
Note: Attachments are included in messages you forward.
When you’re ready, click on your Mac.
Choose Mail > Settings, then click Rules.
Click Add Rule, then type a name for the rule.
Indicate whether any or all of the conditions must be true for the rule to be applied.
Set the conditions that determine which messages to automatically reply to or forward.
Click the “Perform the following actions” pop-up menu, then choose an option:
Forward messages: Choose Forward Message from the first pop-up menu, then enter the email addresses where you want to receive the forwarded messages. Click Message, then enter any text you want to include with the forwarded message. For example, you could explain that you’re automatically forwarding messages.
Reply to messages: Choose “Reply to Message” from the first pop-up menu, click “Reply message text,” then enter your reply. Mail includes the full text of the original message in your reply.
Click OK.
Be sure to test your rule. If it’s too broad, messages can be sent inadvertently or create loops (replies to replies you sent).
If you send a message and don’t receive a response in 3 days, the sent email automatically resurfaces to the top of your inbox to help you remember to follow up.
Go to the Mail app Send an email in Mail on Mac