Click a chart to add it to the slide.
To add data, click the chart, click the Edit Chart Data button near the chart, then enter your data in the Chart Data editor.
Add another data series: Type a new data series name in the next empty column (or row, if plotting by rows), then press Return.
Close the Chart Data editor to return to your chart.
A bubble chart is a type of scatter chart in which the data are plotted as bubbles, rather than as points. You can use a bubble chart to plot data with three dimensions. Each sidebar, click the Build In tab.
Click the Build Order button at the bottom of the sidebar, then click your chart in the Build Order list.
Click the Start menu, then choose an option:
On Click: The Magic Chart effect plays when you click the slide during the presentation.
After Transition: The Magic Chart effect builds and plays when the slide opens during the presentation.
Click Preview to see an animated display of your chart’s data series.
Click the chart to select it, then press Delete on your keyboard.