Desktop, menu bar, and Help on your Mac
The first thing you see on your Mac Studio is the desktop, where you can quickly open apps, search for anything on your Mac Studio and the web, organize your files, and more.

Tip: You can change the icons that appear in the menu bar. See , followed by that app’s unique menus. If you open a different app or click an open window in a different app, the name of the app menu changes to that app and the menus in the menu bar change along with it. If you’re looking for a command in a menu and can’t find it, check the app menu to see if the app you want is active.
Help menu. Help for your Mac Studio is always available in the menu bar. To get help, open the Finder in the Dock, click the Help menu, and choose macOS Help to open the macOS User Guide. Or type in the search field and choose a suggestion. To get help for a specific app, open the app and click Help in the menu bar. See Finder on your Mac.