Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone.
Tap My Watch, go to Health > Health Profile, then tap Edit.
Tap Height or Weight, then adjust.
Your Apple Watch uses the information you provide about your height, weight, gender, age, and wheelchair status to calculate how many calories you burn, how far you travel, and other data. The more you run with the Workout app on your Apple Watch.
Tap Workout, then change the Start Workout Reminder and End Workout Reminder settings. (Workout reminders are on by default.)
You can also open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, tap My Watch, tap Workout, then change the workout reminder settings.
If the exercise you’re doing or the gear you’re wearing causes accidental taps on your Apple Watch, lock the screen so your workout record isn’t interrupted.
Lock the screen: Swipe right, then tap Lock.
Dismiss a notification: Press the Digital Crown.
Unlock the screen: Turn the Digital Crown.
You can save power by disabling the heart rate sensor during long walking and running workouts, although your calorie burn estimates might not be as accurate.
Open the Settings app Get the most accurate measurements using your Apple Watch.