Draw : Click the Shape button, then click the Loupe button. Drag the loupe to the area you want to magnify. To increase or decrease the magnification, drag the green handle; drag the blue handle to change the loupe size. You can place multiple loupes on a photo to magnify specific areas.
Tip: To further magnify an area, create another loupe (press and hold the Option key while you drag an existing one), then position it over the other loupe, using the alignment guides to adjust its position.
Text : Drag the corner handles until just the area you want to keep is shown within the frame’s border. You can also drag the frame to reposition it. When you’re ready, click Crop.
To change the attributes of selected drawings, shapes, text, and signatures, do any of the following.
Change the line style: Click the Shape Style button .
Click Save Changes.
To change a marked-up photo later, select it, then click the Extensions button and choose Markup again.