watchOS 11
Apple Watch User Guide
- Welcome
- What’s new
- Alarms
- App Store
- Blood Oxygen
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Camera Remote
- Medications
- Memoji
- Music Recognition
- News
- Now Playing
- Reminders
- Remote
- Shortcuts
- Siren
- Stocks
- Stopwatch
- Tides
- Timers
- Tips
- Translate
- Vitals
- Voice Memos
- Walkie-Talkie
- World Clock
- VoiceOver
- Set up Apple Watch using VoiceOver
- Apple Watch basics with VoiceOver
- Apple Watch Mirroring
- Control nearby devices
- AssistiveTouch
- Use a braille display
- Use a Bluetooth keyboard
- Zoom
- Tell time with haptic feedback
- Adjust text size and other visual settings
- Adjust motor skills settings
- Set up and use RTT
- Accessibility audio settings
- Type to speak
- Auto-select focused app
- Use accessibility features with Siri
- The Accessibility Shortcut
- Copyright
Track your pregnancy with Apple Watch
When you log a pregnancy in the Health app on iPhone or iPad, you can view your gestational age on Apple Watch and log bleeding and symptoms. The Health app on iPhone and the Cycle Tracking app on Apple Watch can help you to better understand your data during pregnancy by making adjustments and recommendations to reflect changes in your physical and mental health.
Log a pregnancy on iPhone or iPad
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