Siri on Apple TV helps you quickly find movies and TV shows to watch, and apps in the App Store to download. Siri can find movies and TV shows based on a wide range of criteria—including title, topic, genre, actors, director, rating, age appropriateness, and more. You can even ask to find “good” or “popular” results. For apps, you can search by app name, developer, or category.
Ask Siri. Say something like:
“What should I watch?”
“Find ‘Hidden Figures’”
“Play Episode 3 of Season 1 of ‘Homeland’”
“Show me popular comedies”
“What are the best baseball movies?”
“Find Amy Adams movies”
“Find documentaries about cars”
“Find me movies in 4K”
“Find me movies in HDR”
“Watch great dramas”
“Find me some TV Shows that are good for kids”
“Show PG-13 movies”
“Find Crossy Road”
“Find weather apps”
“What are some new sports apps?”
“Find apps by Activision”
You can also combine genres for movies and TV shows.
“Find me some funny horror movies”
“Show me independent foreign films”
“Search for crime documentaries”
Once you make an initial search, you can ask additional questions to zero in on exactly what you want to watch. See Refine movie and TV show search results on Apple TV.