You can connect a Bluetooth keyboard to control VoiceOver output. Hold down the keyboard’s modifier keys and type to navigate Apple Watch using VoiceOver.
Go to the Settings app on your Apple Watch.
Go to Accessibility > VoiceOver > Keyboards.
Set any of the following:
Phonetic feedback
Choose to hear characters and phonetics or phonetics only.
Typing feedback
Choose to hear characters, words, or characters and words as you type on the Bluetooth keyboard.
Modifier keys
Choose the modifier keys that must be pressed on a hardware keyboard to activate VoiceOver key commands. Options are Control + Option and Caps Lock.
Keyboard interaction time
Set the amount of time to wait before VoiceOver can start Slide to Type, or make use of alternative keys on the software keyboard. Use the plus and minus buttons to adjust interaction time from 0 to 4 seconds.
Use the following keys to navigate with a Bluetooth keyboard.
Right Arrow key
Move to next item.
Left Arrow key
Move to previous item.
Modifier key + Down Arrow key
Read out character or phonetics of selected item from left to right.
Modifier key + Up Arrow key
Read out character or phonetics of selected item from right to left.
Modifier key + Space bar
Tap selected item.