In the Notes app .
Open the note you want to share, tap , then tap Share Folder.
Tap Share Options, then choose “Can make changes” or “View only.” If you choose “Can make changes,” you can also allow collaborators to invite other collaborators.
Choose how to send your invitation (for example, using Mail or Messages).
Touch and hold the folder, then tap Show Folder Activity.
Tap , tap Manage Shared Note or Manage Shared Folder, then do any of the following:
Add people: Choose a sharing option.
Remove people: Swipe left on the collaborator you want to remove, then tap Remove.
Change permissions: Tap Share Options, then choose “Can make changes” or “View only.” If you choose “Can make changes,” you can also allow collaborators to invite other collaborators.
Stop sharing: When you choose this option, the shared note or folder is deleted from the devices of the other participants.