Double-click a day, month, or year to see the photos in it.
On a trackpad, you can pinch open or closed on the day, month, or year to change views.
View related photos: Scroll down to Related to see similar photos from different times at that location. Double-click the group of related photos to see them. (Some photos may not have related photos.)
Show thumbnails of other photos below a photo viewed individually: Choose View > Show Thumbnails. Swipe left or right to scroll through thumbnails, or press the arrow keys. Drag the edge of the thumbnail bar up or down to change the size of thumbnails.
With some models of iPhone, you can shoot Live Photos, which capture a still image and the moments just before and after the image.
Do any of the following:
Position the pointer over a Live Photo thumbnail.
Double-click a Live Photo thumbnail to view it individually, then press Option-Space bar or position the pointer over the Live Photo badge.
If you double-click a Live Photo that is set to Loop, Bounce, or Long Exposure, the Live Photo plays immediately.
If you have a Force Touch trackpad, Find photos by text, content, or date in Photos on Mac