Focus helps you stay in the moment when you want to concentrate on an activity. Focus can reduce distractions—allowing only notifications you want to receive (ones that match your focus)—and lets other people and apps know you’re busy.
You can choose from the default Focus settings—Do Not Disturb, Personal, Sleep, and Work— or you can create a custom Focus on your iPhone. You can choose who is allowed to contact you, which apps can send you notifications, and whether you receive time-sensitive notifications.
Press the To turn off a Focus, just tap the Focus button in Control Center.
To turn off a Focus, just tap the Focus button in Control Center.
On your iPhone, go to Settings > Focus.
Tap on Apple Watch, tap Focus, then tap a Focus. Tap a schedule, scroll down, then turn off Enabled.
Turn on Enabled when you want the schedule to be active again.
Delete a Focus schedule: Go to the Settings app iPhone User Guide: Set up a Focus on iPhone