DURATION(weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
weeks: An optional value representing the number of weeks.
days: An optional value representing the number of days.
hours: An optional value representing the number of hours.
minutes: An optional value representing the number of minutes.
seconds: An optional value representing the number of seconds.
milliseconds: An optional value representing the number of milliseconds.
An argument that is 0 can be omitted, but the comma must be included if later values are included. For example, =DURATION(,,12,3) would return a duration value of 12h 3m (12 hours and 3 minutes).
Negative values are permitted. For example, =DURATION(0,2,–24) would return a duration of 1 day (2 days minus 24 hours).
=DURATION(1) returns 1w (1 week).
=DURATION(,,1) returns 1h (1 hour).
=DURATION(1.5) returns 1w 3d 12h (1 week, 3 days, 12 hours or 1.5 weeks).
=DURATION(3,2,7,10,15.3505) returns 3w 2d 7h 10m 15s 350ms (3 weeks, 2 days, 7 hours, 10 minutes, 15 seconds, 350 milliseconds).