Organize with subtasks and groups. To turn a reminder into a subtask, press Command-], or drag it on top of another reminder. The parent reminder becomes bold, and the subtask is indented underneath it. You can collapse or expand your subtasks to keep your view uncluttered.
To group reminders together, choose File > New Group. Name the group whatever you’d like. Add more lists by dragging them into the group, or remove them by dragging them out.
Customize list appearance. Double-click the icon of the list you want to customize. Click the icon in the info menu, then pick your preferred colors and symbols.
Use Siri to create reminders. You can ask Siri to schedule a reminder for you. For example, say “Remind me to call Mom at eight.”
Siri also works great when you’re typing. Just type your reminder, and Siri understands more detailed sentences and provides relevant suggestions for when to remind you. For example, write “Take Amy to soccer every Wednesday at 5PM” to create a repeating reminder on that day and time.
Be reminded when you text. Click the Edit Details button Reminders User Guide.