Use the tools in the toolbar to mark up the PDF (or use the
Select a rectangular area in an image to copy or delete.
Redaction Selection
Click a shape, then drag it where you want.
To resize the shape, use the blue handles.
If the shape has green handles, use them to change the number of sides and angles. Select the shape, then drag one of the green handles.
To rotate a shape, place the pointer over it, place your thumb and a finger on the trackpad, then pivot them around each other as if you’re turning a jar lid. Shift-click to select multiple shapes and rotate them together.
You can highlight and zoom shapes using these tools:
If signatures are listed, click one, then drag it where you want. To resize it, use the blue handles.
To create a new signature, click the Sign tool, click Create Signature if shown, then click how you want to create your signature:
Use a trackpad: Click the text when asked, sign your name on the trackpad using your finger, press any key when you’re finished, then click Done. If you don’t like the results, click Clear, then try again.
If your trackpad supports it, press your finger more firmly on the trackpad to sign with a heavier, darker line.
Use your Mac computer’s built-in camera: Hold your signature (on white paper) facing the camera so that your signature is level with the blue line in the window. When your signature appears in the window, click Done. If you don’t like the results, click Clear, then try again.
Use your iPhone or iPad: Click Select Device to choose a device (if more than one is available). On your device, use your finger or Apple Pencil (on iPad) to sign your name. If you don’t like the results, tap Clear, then try again. When you’re ready, tap Done.
Your devices must meet Continuity system requirements. See the Apple Support article Crop or rotate a PDF in Preview on MacAdd effects to a PDF in Preview on Mac