Announce when mouse cursor enters a window
Hear when the pointer goes to a window. This setting is useful if you use the mouse pointer independently of the VoiceOver cursor and keyboard focus.
Announce when a modifier key is pressed
Hear when you press a modifier key. This setting is useful while you learn VoiceOver commands and want to confirm the keys you press.
Announce when the Caps Lock key is pressed
Hear when you press the key that makes all letters uppercase. This setting is useful if you press the key inadvertently and are typing everything in uppercase.
To be able to use the Caps Lock key for typing uppercase letters when the VoiceOver modifier is set to Caps Lock, quickly press the Caps Lock key twice.
Speak header when navigating across a table row
Hear header text in a table row. This setting is useful for identifying the type of content in a row.
Automatically speak text in dialog boxes
Hear labels and other text in dialogs.
Append phonetic pronunciation to single characters
Always hear characters read phonetically. For example, if VoiceOver is reading text by character, it reads “a alpha n november t tango.”
When status text changes under VoiceOver cursor
Click the pop-up menu, then choose how you want to hear changes in status text (such as the percentage complete of an app installation): Play Tone, Speak Text, or Do Nothing.
When progress indicator changes under VoiceOver cursor
Click the pop-up menu, then choose how you want to hear progress indicator changes: Play Tone, Speak Update, or Do Nothing.
When number of rows change under VoiceOver cursor
Click the pop-up menu, then choose how you want to hear that rows are being added or removed: Play Tone, Speak Update, or Do Nothing.
Speak size and position in
Click the pop-up menu, then choose how you want to hear size and position: Inches, Millimeters, or Points.
Speak text under mouse after delay
Drag the slider toward Short or Long to specify how many seconds you want VoiceOver to wait before it speaks the text that’s under the pointer.