Open VoiceOver Utility (press VO-F8 when VoiceOver is on).
Open VoiceOver Utility for me
Choose File > Export Preferences, select where to save the file, choose the type of preferences to export from the pop-up menu, then click Save.
The default filename indicates the type of preferences exported and has the filename extension “voprefs”. The file will not reflect changes you make to preferences after the export.
Choose File > Import Preferences, select the preferences file to import, then click Open.
VoiceOver replaces the current preferences of that type with those in the file. If you’re importing web spots or labels, VoiceOver merges them with your existing web spots or labels.
When you import preference files, preferences that are no longer available in VoiceOver are not imported.
Important: Export your preferences first so you have a backup copy.
Choose File, then choose to reset basic, custom (such as hot spots or Keyboard Commander key assignments) or all VoiceOver preferences to their default values.
If you have portable preferences on an external drive and reset basic or all VoiceOver preferences on your Mac, VoiceOver no longer recognises the portable preferences drive and doesn’t sync VoiceOver preferences on your Mac and the drive. To sync VoiceOver preferences again, you must set up the portable preferences drive again.