After you , then tap Manage Shared Folder or Manage Shared File.
Tap Add People and choose a method for sending the link.
Enter any other requested information, then send or post the invitation.
If you set the access to a shared folder or file to “Anyone with the link,” anyone with the link can share it with others.
Touch and hold the folder or file.
Tap Share , then tap Manage Shared Folder in iCloud or Manage Shared File in iCloud.
Tap Stop Sharing.
Anyone who has a file open when you stop sharing it sees an alert. The item closes when the alert is dismissed, the file is removed from the person’s iCloud Drive, and the link no longer works. If you later share the item again and set the access to “Anyone with the link,” the original link works. If the access is set to “Only people you invite,” the original link works again only for people you reinvite to share the item.