Your Mac works with your other Apple devices. Continuity lets you unlock powerful capabilities when you use Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Apple Watch together.
Before you begin. Make sure your Mac mini and iOS or iPadOS device have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on and are signed in to the same Set up your iPhone and Mac for phone calls.
Use your iPhone as a Hotspot. Lost your Wi-Fi connection? With Instant Hotspot, you can use the Personal Hotspot on your iPhone or iPad to connect your Mac mini to the internet instantly—no password required. See . You don’t need to do anything on your device—Mac mini connects automatically. When you’re not using the hotspot, your Mac mini disconnects to save battery life.
Tip: If you’re asked for a password, make sure your devices are set up correctly. See the Apple Support article , click Use a keyboard and mouse or trackpad across devices with Universal Control on Mac.