You can enter number values in formulas to make calculations, just as you would in a calculator.
Go to the Pages app in the Formula Editor when you’re done.
If you click on your Mac.
Open a document with a table, click the cell where you want the result of the function to appear, then type the equal sign (=).
The Formula Editor opens, and the Functions Browser appears on the right side of the window, displaying a list of all the functions. For help with a function, click it.
Drag the left side of the Formula Editor to move it. You can resize it by dragging from any of its outer edges.
If there’s an error in your formula,
Click a cell whose value you want to compare, or type a value to compare.
Type a comparison operator (>, >=, =, <>, <, or <=), then select a cell whose value you want to compare, or type a value to compare.
Press Return or click
In your formulas, you can include references to cells, ranges of cells, and whole columns or rows of data—including cells in other tables and on other pages. Pages uses the values in the referenced cells to calculate the result of the formula. For example, if you include “A1” in a formula, it refers to the value in cell A1 (the cell in Column A and Row 1).
The examples below show the use of cell references in formulas.
If the referenced range is more than one cell, the starting and ending cells are separated by a single colon.
If the reference is to a cell in another table, the reference must contain the name of the table.
Table 2::B2
Note that the table title and cell reference are separated by a double colon (::). When you select a cell in another table for a formula, the name of the table is automatically included.
To refer to a column, you can use the column letter. The formula below calculates the total of the cells in the third column:
To refer to a row, you can use the row number. The formula below calculates the total of the cells in the first row:
To refer to a row or column with a header, you can use the header name. The formula below totals all the cells in the row with the header “Revenue”:
The formula below multiplies the sum of the column named “Number of Guests” by the value in cell B2 in another table.
Press Return or click insertion point within the argument area for the formula, select the unwanted cell references, then press Delete on your keyboard.
Add more cell references: Place the insertion point within the argument area for the formula, then select the new cells you want to add.