In the Format select the cells or on your Mac.
Open a document with a table, then sidebar, click the Cell tab.
Click the Data Format pop-up menu, then choose Currency.
Do any of the following:
Set the number of decimal places: In the Decimals field, type the number of decimal places you want to display. Pages rounds the display value instead of truncating the display value. For example, if the value in the cell is “5.75” and you set the number of decimal places for the cell to 0 (zero), Pages displays “6.”
Display as many decimal places as you type in each cell: Delete the number in the Decimals field, or click the Decimals down arrow until you reach the Auto setting.
Specify how negative values appear: Click the pop-up menu to the right of the Decimals field and choose an option.
Show the thousands separator: Select the Thousands Separator checkbox.
Use accounting-style negative numbers: Select the Accounting Style checkbox to display negative values within parentheses.
Click the Currency pop-up menu, then choose a currency symbol, such as US Dollar ($).
By default, cells formatted as percentages display as many decimal places as you type in them. You can change this setting so that all cells display the same number of decimal places.
Changes to decimal settings apply to both percentages and numbers in a selected range of cells. For example, if you change the format of a cell from a percentage to a decimal, the number of decimal places displayed doesn’t change.
Go to the Pages app table you want to format.
In the Format select the cells or Create a custom table cell format.