Open the Pages for iCloud web app

Documents you create using Pages for iCloud are automatically available in Pages on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad, as long as they are set up to use iCloud and signed in to the same Apple Account. Similarly, if you create a document using Pages on Mac, iPhone, or iPad, the document appears automatically in Pages for iCloud.

  1. Make sure you're signed in to your Apple Account and are using iCloud Drive.

    To check on your Mac, choose Apple menu shared with others.)

  2. If you delete a document that someone shared with you, it’s deleted from your iCloud Drive and from Pages on all your devices. You can click the shared link again to add the document back to your iCloud Drive, where it’s again available on all your computers and devices with iCloud turned on.

  3. If you use folders to organize your documents on one device, the same folder organization applies on all your devices.

  4. If you add a password to a document on one device, it’s required to open the document on all your devices.