Interesting discovery – I just checked the listing for the original product and the certified refurb original with a view to selling mine before the new one comes out to partially pay for it, and those pages have NO Amazon Marketplace. Cheeky buggers…
Clever girl.
Deary me, I wasn’t attempting to cast any doubt. Calm the fuck down.
Hip replacement?
So good
Come to think of it, you’re probably right, but I found it a pretty disconcerting sight still.
It’s Woking in the UK – not very
Or a kidney / jelly bean
Well they already have a spaceship for their HQ!
comment deleted — i should learn to read!
Agreed. I really have no idea what they were thinking of solving that one non-problem. One thing I definitely don’t need is another unavoidable repetitive clicking action – RSI central!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for telling me about the home button accessibility option. That is the change I hated most of all (on an iPhone 6).