
Telltale’s Guardians of the Galaxy game debuts this spring

Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, the latest episodic adventure game from Telltale Games, will premiere this spring with an original story, the studio announced today. It does not appear that the five-episode adventure game will relate to Marvel Studios’ Guardians films in any way; instead, Telltale is likely drawing on the Guardians of the Galaxy comics. Therefore, the actors who play those characters on the silver screen will not reprise their roles in Telltale’s game. The company announced a voice cast today of veteran screen and video game actors: Scott Porter (Friday Night Lights, The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series) as Star-Lord Emily O’Brien (The Young and the Restless, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor) as Gamora Nolan North (the Uncharted series, Pretty Little Liars)...

Steven Universe is coming to consoles with original RPG

For the first time ever, a game based on Steven Universe is heading to consoles. Steven Universe: Save the Light will launch this summer, Cartoon Network announced. The game is in development at Grumpyface Studios, and it’s set to please both diehard viewers of the moving, very musical cartoon and newcomers. Save the Light is a sequel to 2015’s Attack the Light, an action role-playing game which was well-received, even by non-fans. Save the Light will also feature an original story from the show’s creator, Rebecca Sugar. Steven and his fellow Crystal Gems are tasked with retrieving a seriously powerful magical weapon when it’s stolen from Beach City, and the only way to do that is to ... engage in tons of role-playing game-style battles, naturally. The console RPG will feature a mix of...
Cover Story
Issue 26

February 27, 2017

What the game industry thinks of Nintendo’s Switch

We talk with third-party developers and industry executives about what to expect.

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Capy Games returns for project with Cartoon Network (update)

Capybara Games, makers of beloved indie titles like Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes and the indefinitely delayed Below, has reemerged for a new project. The Toronto-based studio is teaming with Cartoon Network for a new game that’s heading to PC and consoles this fall. OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes is based on the upcoming TV show, created by Ian Jones-Quartey of Steven Universe and Adventure Time fame. Due this summer, it follows a kid named K.O. who spends most of his time beating up evil robots around town. It’s a very video game-esque premise, as Jones-Quartey said in a PlayStation Blog post, making it a natural fit for a console adaptation. Due out later this year, Capy Games’ take on the new show will be an action game with role-playing elements. Beyond that, both the show and the...

Gran Turismo Sport closed beta starts next week

Sony announced today that a closed beta for racing game Gran Turismo Sport will begin March 17 in the U.S. The company also released a new trailer. Writing on the PlayStation Blog, Kazunori Yamauchi, head of the game's developer Polyphony, said that the beta will "only be open to selected U.S. PSN IDs", advising that PlayStation 4 owners check their messages for invitations. He added that the beta will be "increased gradually and in stages." The announcement said that users will be able to compete with other participants around the U.S and "eventually the globe." Sign-up pages for the U.S. and for Europe have been posted. The beta will offer players a rotation of cars and tracks each day, as well as different racing categories. Features on offer will include the new Driver Profile...

Torment: Tides of Numenera review

The central question presented in Torment: Tides of Numenera is somewhat simple: How much does one life matter? Your character's life matters, obviously, since you have to play with him or her for a number of hours. The lives of your allies matter, since they’ll be your support throughout your journey. But what about the life of the mutant that fishes all day? What about the woman who’s been accused of a crime? What about the lives of your brothers and sisters? It’s easy to make assumptions about Torment’s purpose in regards to this problem, since video games have been posing similar questions for years. But what separates Torment is how complicated its answers become. It creates a rich environment to explore, but it forges a scenario that is well-paced to become more confusing as...

The Division’s Year Two content will be free

Today is the one-year anniversary of The Division’s launch, and after releasing three paid expansions over the past 12 months, publisher Ubisoft is going with a different strategy for the game’s second year: free content in the form of two large expansions, the company announced today. “All of the content updates that we’re going to provide are going to be free content updates,” said Julian Gerighty, creative director on The Division at developer Massive Entertainment, during a Twitch livestream today. “There is no season pass for year two.” “There is no season pass for year two” If players wanted everything in the first year of The Division, they had to pay at least $100: $59.99 for the game itself, plus an additional $39.99 for the season pass, which covered the three expansions. (The...

Blackwood Crossing is out next month

We've been watching Blackwood Crossing with great interest, since it first showed up in June last year. Now the game has an official release date of April 4 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with the Windows PC version arriving on April 5. Blackwood Crossing is a narrative game about childhood and loss. Its first-person player-character is a 14-year-old girl called Scarlett, who accompanies her younger brother Finn on a magical train journey. The player interacts with various characters, solving puzzles and working dialog trees. It's being created by indie house PaperSeven, made up of former Black Rock Studio developers. It will cost $15.99 at launch. You can watch our most recent preview below.
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Photo Essay
Are we into No Man’s Sky again?

No Man’s Sky was built for this photo mode

No Man’s Sky developer Hello Games added a photo mode to the PS4 version of the game with its Foundation Update, last November. But for today’s Path Finder Update — which includes visual updates like 4K support on PS4 Pro, HDR support, better textures and lighting — it’s enhancing photo mode with the following improvements: Find the perfect angle for your shot in free camera mode, revealing your Starship in third person Pause and change the time of day for the perfect lighting conditions Change cloud layers and fog density to take the most atmospheric shots possible New photo filters can be used to add a finishing touch To celebrate these enhancements, Hello Games enlisted the help of DeadEndThrills, well-known video game photographer, to document the game’s beautiful worlds. For a...

Naughty Dog co-president departs after 15 years

Naughty Dog co-president Christophe Balestra announced today that he’s leaving the Uncharted and The Last of Us studio after 15 years with the company. In a goodbye letter posted to Naughty Dog’s website, Balestra said he’s leaving his role to spend time with his family and pursue personal projects. “It’s very challenging to come to the realization that it’s time to step away from a career to pursue fulfilling personal ambitions and projects,” Balestra said. “I am doing it now out of utmost respect for the team and their unwavering dedication to Naughty Dog and our projects. The time has come for me to now spend more time with my family and create a void to see what I can fill it with (which will obviously involve programming).” Balestra joined Naughty Dog in 2002, back when the...

Overwatch players are exploiting custom games for XP, Blizzard is very disappointed

Blizzard Entertainment released an extensive set of new custom game tools for Overwatch last week and it didn’t take long for players to start exploiting that new feature. Shortly after Overwatch’s Game Browser went live, players started using custom game rules to quickly (or idly) earn experience and thus earn more of the game’s precious lootboxes. Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan sounds none too pleased that players are taking advantage of the system, based on a very disappointed-sounding post on the forums. “When we introduced the Game Browser and new Custom Game features we were excited to allow players to earn experience playing the game in unique and different ways,” Kaplan wrote. “We also knew that there was the potential for this system to be exploited but we...

The time has come for Rime (update)

Mediterranean adventure Rime is coming out on May 26, developer Tequila Works announced today. First announced in 2013 as a PlayStation 4 exclusive, the Tequila Works title is now also coming out on Windows PC and Xbox One. Sony pulled out of its exclusivity deal following the development's long gestation period. Rime will be released May 26 on those three platforms, both digitally and at retail, for $29.99 in the U.S., £29.99 in the U.K. and €34.99 in Europe. A Nintendo Switch version of Rime is also in development. It will be released “later this summer,” according to a news release from Tequila Works and co-publishers Grey Box and Six Foot. The Switch version will cost extra — $39.99 in the U.S., £39.99 in the U.K. and €44.99 in Europe. It will also be available in physical and...

Destiny’s Age of Triumph update will revive every raid in the game

Destiny’s next major content update, Age of Triumph, will offer something that players have wanted for a long time: a reason to revisit the Vault of Glass — and in fact, all of the game’s raids. The update will be released Tuesday, March 28. “All of the raids are coming up to Light level,” said Joe Blackburn, senior designer at Bungie, during the studio’s reveal livestream for Age of Triumph today. The Light cap will remain at 400 in Age of Triumph, and all four raids will now offer “rituals” to help players reach that limit. The updated raids will be 390 Light activities. “All of the raids are coming up to Light level” Since its debut the week after Destiny’s release, the Vault of Glass has remained a level 26 raid — level 30 if you’re playing on hard mode — even as Bungie has...

No Man’s Sky Path Finder Update trailer details PS4 Pro support, base sharing, permadeath mode

Since release, the team at Hello Games has been steadily expanding the feature set of No Man’s Sky, and today it has shared the contents of the upcoming Path Finder Update. Notable additions include: PS4 Pro support “optimized for 4K” and with HDR support, planetary vehicles to “aid home planet exploration,” base sharing and Steam Workshop support, permadeath mode and more. The above video details much of the update’s feature set, and the update’s official website goes into way more detail on everything that’s included. It’s ... a lot. The website has it broken down like this: Visual updates Online base sharing Own multiple ships Starship specializations PlayStation 4 Pro New vehicles — exocraft Exocraft races New shops and traders Base building variety Multi-tool specialization and...

Watch Bungie reveal Destiny’s Age of Triumph update here

Destiny developer Bungie is closing out the game’s third — and final — year with one last major content update, Age of Triumph. The studio is revealing Age of Triumph in one of its semi-regular livestreams today, starting at 1 p.m. ET, and you can watch it all unfold on Twitch below. Bungie’s teaser trailer for Age of Triumph suggested that it will revive the Vault of Glass, the first raid in Destiny. The trailer also noted that the update will offer the game’s “biggest record book yet,” giving players all kinds of tasks to complete in advance of the expected arrival of Destiny 2 this fall. Since its debut the week after Destiny’s release, the Vault of Glass has remained a level 26 raid — level 30 if you’re playing on hard mode — even as Bungie has refreshed other old activities like...

Conan Exiles’ infamous ‘endowment’ options won’t be on Xbox One

Conan Exiles has been rather ... notorious for its presentation of ding-a-lings in the game's early access release on PC. That feature won't be a part of Conan Exiles’ launch on Xbox One, says the game's creative director. "Xbox has been pretty clear with us that it's not going to fly," Joel Bylos told Glixel (via Kotaku). He's referring to the infamous "penis slider," which allows users to adjust a male character's endowment. "It's just going to be off by default, I think," Bylos said, adding that he's not sure that partial nudity is OK. "We haven't spoken to Xbox about breasts. They do allow breasts in some of their games, but the penises definitely won't be there." Developed and published by Funcom, Conan Exiles launched in early access for Windows PC on Jan. 31. It hasn't gotten a...

PlayStation 4’s big 4.5 update hits tomorrow, bringing ‘Boost Mode’ to PS4 Pro

Tomorrow is the release date for the PlayStation 4’s big 4.5 firmware update, which brings a number of welcome features as well as a huge benefit to PlayStation 4 Pro owners. The 2D performance of the PlayStation VR will improve when you’re playing standard games in the headset, and you’ll also be able to use voice chat when taking advantage of remote play. You will now be able to use external hard drives on your PlayStation 4, as well. But the biggest update is the “Boost Mode” for PlayStation 4 Pro, which improves performance on most games when using the updated system instead of the Pro only helping with games that have been optimized for it. “This feature has been designed to provide better performance for select legacy titles that have not been patched to take advantage of the...
The “nemesis system” is being expanded to help create deeper, branching stories for each player

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War builds on the best part of Shadow of Mordor: the stories

When you think about 2014’s Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, what is it you remember the most? It’s probably not the mix of action and role-playing game mechanics, though they were certainly well-developed. It probably wasn’t the deep plot and connection with J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic Lord of the Rings series — most fans had to get over how much Shadow of Mordor breaks with the tone and lore of the series. No, the reason Shadow of Mordor earned most of its praise, and the reason it’s remembered so fondly today, is the nemesis system. With the nemesis system, your enemies were transformed from generic orcs into named characters who grew, reappeared and changed in appearance, rank and power as you progressed through the game, based around your actions. This single brilliant piece of game...

Watch us sing karaoke, get framed for murder and beat up Sega

Last week, we launched our new video series, Yakuza 0 to 60, in which we explore the world of Japan through the game Yakuza 0. In our second episode, we get to experience that most beloved Japanese pastimes: karaoke. This isn’t just regular karaoke, either. This is the kind of karaoke that turns into a real-life, rad-as-hell metal concert. There’s much more beyond the singing, too. Yakuza 0’s plot gets going in this episode, as protagonist Kiryu finds himself framed for a murder he didn’t commit. We also get into some fist fights, including one against none other than Sega himself. Yes, Sega is apparently a Japanese hooligan. Check out the video yourself above, or if you missed the first episode, you can go back and watch that below. And stay tuned for next week, when we’ll meet a very...

Another Uncharted game from Naughty Dog is ‘unlikely,’ studio says

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, the upcoming Uncharted side story starring Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross, will almost certainly be the final entry in the franchise from developer Naughty Dog, the studio said in an interview with Game Informer. The adventures of series hero Nathan Drake concluded in last year’s Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, but Naughty Dog is following up that acclaimed game with a stand-alone title featuring the franchise’s strongest female characters not named Elena Fisher. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, which Naughty Dog announced at PlayStation Experience 2016, will tell the story of Frazer — who debuted in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and also appeared in Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception — enlisting the help of Uncharted 4’s Nadine Ross in the search for an Indian artifact known...

MLB The Show 17 gets you straight to baseball’s exciting moments

MLB The Show 17 will introduce another feature to help players realistically manage the 162-game season of Major League Baseball — the longest in professional sports — without missing out on big moments. Coming in MLB The Show 17’s Franchise mode is something called Critical Situations, announced today on the PlayStation Blog. It sounds a lot like Madden NFL 17’s “Play the Moments” feature, in that MLB 17 will simulate in the background the more mundane parts of a ballgame and summon the user when a pivotal at-bat occurs. SIE San Diego Studio/Sony Interactive Entertainment The game is on the line. The mode, says Sony San Diego, won’t limit its focus just to winning or losing the game in hand. Users who have a player with a long batting streak going will be...

No Man’s Sky’s next update is imminent, adds a planetary vehicle

The next content update for No Man's Sky, the Path Finder Update, will be released this week, developer Hello Games announced today. “It introduces a new vehicle that will aid home planet exploration, building on the Foundation Update to hint at a path ahead for the future,” Hello Games said of Path Finder. No Man’s Sky’s previous content update included files that hinted at an upcoming ground vehicle. Hello Games did not provide any other information on the contents of Path Finder, but said it will release full patch notes when the update goes live. This will be the second major post-launch update for No Man’s Sky. The game’s debut on PlayStation 4 and Windows PC in August was met with a firestorm of controversy, with players feeling like they had been misled as to the nature of the...

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