Microsoft chairman Bill Gates took to Reddit today for an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session. After describing Windows 8 as a "used by CEO Steve Ballmer. In fact, he even used the device to reply to Reddit comments.
Other highlights include Gates describing WinFS, a file system that was supposed to debut in Vista, as a program or product that he wished had made it to market. "We had a rich database as the client/cloud store that was part of a Windows release that was before its time," said Gates. "This is an idea that will remerge since your cloud store will be rich with schema rather than just a bunch of files and the client will be a partial replica of it with rich schema understanding."
Gates also revealed "don't die" is one entry on his bucket list, a fate no man has achieved. He also says his portrayal in Pirates of Silicon Valley was "reasonably accurate." In a nod to Redditors, Gates completed the AMA by asking users for tips to delete a well known photo of him from the internet. Gates might be helping thwart viruses worldwide, but we don't think he'll ever prevent this image from spreading.
Thanks for a great…
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) February 11, 2013
Update: article updated to clarify Windows 8 display used.
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