How we created a branded experience atop a unified product
How presentations about death, bathrooms, and “lovely little inconveniences” relate to my work at Vox Media
A recap of our work in the past year.
We’ve taken a process that was once days or weeks of work, and shortened it to just a few hours. With a Mac OS X desktop app that creates automatic transcription from a video or audio file. The user can make text selections and export those selections as a video sequence in the editing software of choice.
From Cleveland, to Brooklyn, to Chicago, to Washington D.C.
My older sister was born with Down Syndrome, so I have coached and volunteered with Frederick, Maryland’s Special Olympics program my whole life. Until recently I had never thought about what volunteering teaches me, and how it affects my life, because it has just been second nature for our family. Volunteering with the Special Olympics helps me think differently and has led me to be a more caring person. The more I think about how to care for others, the more I realize that same thought process is what makes me a good designer.
Apply today to be a contestant or judge at our annual design battle
How to design for an interface you can't see
Open source is driven by a dedicated team of volunteers. Let’s learn more about the process from a Rails Issues Team member!
How do you explain a story in 15 different parts?
As journalists, advertisers, producers, and creators, content is at our core at Vox Media. We want to ensure that everyone—regardless of ability, situation, or context—can access it.
A monthly collection of design work from the Product Team at Vox Media
In May, we deployed a change that decreased our start render time immensely. This is how we found, built, tested, and deployed the code that did it.
As journalists, advertisers, producers, and creators, content is at our core at Vox Media. And we want to ensure that everyone—regardless of ability, situation, or context—can access it.
Adapting a method from programming for product design