Prometheus is an open source software ecosystem for monitoring and alerting, with focus on reliability and simplicity. See also upstream's Prometheus FAQ.
What is it?
Distinguishing features of Prometheus compared to other metrics systems include:
- multi-dimensional data model
- Metrics have a name and several key=value pairs to better model what the metric is about. e.g. to measure varnish requests in the upload cache in eqiad we'd have a metric like http_requests_total{cache="upload",site="eqiad"}.
- a powerful query language (PromQL)
- Makes it able to ask complex questions, e.g. when debugging problems or drilling down for root cause during outages. From the example above, the query topk(3, sum(http_requests_total{status~="^5"}) by (cache)) would return the top 3 caches (text/upload/misc) with the most errors (status matches the regexp "^5")
- pull metrics from targets
- Prometheus is primarily based on a pull model, in which the prometheus server has a list of targets it should scrape metrics from. The pull protocol is HTTP based and simply put, the target returns a list of "<metric> <value>". Pushing metrics is supported too, see also
After the Prometheus proof of concept (as per User:Filippo_Giunchedi/Prometheus_POC) has been running in Labs for some time, during FQ1 2016-2017 the Prometheus deployment has been extended to production, as outlined in the WMF Engineering 2017 Goals.
Server location
The various Prometheus servers are logically separated, though physically they can share one or multiple hosts. As of April 2022, we run Prometheus on baremetal hardware in Eqiad and Codfw, and on Ganeti VMs in all POPs / caching centers.
As of April 2022 the list of all Prometheus instances includes:
- analytics
- All things analytics from the Hadoop cluster and similar
- ext
- Collect external, potentially untrusted, data
- global
- Global instance, see below
- k8s
- Main/production k8s cluster
- k8s-mlserve
- k8s for machine learning
- k8s-staging
- Staging k8s cluster
- ops
- The biggest instance where most metrics are collected
- services
- Dedicated instance for ex services team / cassandra metrics
- cloud
- Dedicated instance for Cloud VPS metal infrastructure, OpenStack and Ceph mostly
Note: there are additional Prometheus instances running in Cloud VPS and managed by the Wikimedia Cloud Services team, these are documented in Help:Cloud VPS managed monitoring.
Federation and multiple DCs
The use case for a cross-DC view of metrics used to be covered by the "global" Prometheus instance. This instance is now deprecated with this use case (and much more) now covered by Thanos.
Each Prometheus server is configured to scrape a list of targets (i.e. HTTP endpoints) at a certain frequency, in our case starting at 60s. All metrics are stored on the local disk with a per-instance multi-week retention period.
All targets to be scraped are grouped into jobs, depending on the purpose that those targets serve. For example the job to scrape all host-level data for a given location using node-exporter will be called node and each target will be listed as hostname:9100. Similarly there are jobs for varnish, mysql, etc.
Each Prometheus server is meant to be stand-alone and polling targets in the same failure domain as the server itself as appropriate (e.g. the same site, the same vlan and so on). For example this allows to keep the monitoring local to the site and not have spotty metrics upon cross-site connectivity blips. (See also Federation)
The endpoint being polled by the prometheus server and answering the GET
requests is typically called exporter, e.g. the host-level metrics exporter is node-exporter.
Each exporter serves the current snapshot of metrics when polled by the prometheus server, there is no metric history kept by the exporter itself. Further, the exporter usually runs on the same host as the service or host it is monitoring.
Why just stand-alone prometheus servers with local storage and not clustered storage? The idea behind a single prometheus server is one of reliability: a monitoring system must be more reliabile than the systems it is monitoring. It is certainly easier to get local storage right and reliable than clustered storage, especially important when collecting operational metrics.
See also prometheus storage documentation for a more in-depth explanation and storage space requirements.
High availability
With local storage being the basic building block we can still achieve high-availability by running more than one server in parallel, each configured the same and polling the same set of targets. Queries for data can be routed via LVS in an active/standby fashion, under normal circumstances the load is shared (i.e. active/active).
For efficiency reasons, prometheus spools chunks of datapoints in memory for each metric before flushing them to disk. This makes it harder to perform backups online by simply copying the files on disk. The issue of having consistent backups is also discussed in prometheus #651.
Notwithstanding the above, it should be possible to backup the prometheus local storage files as-is by archiving its storage directory with tar before regular (bacula) backups. Since the backup is being done online it will result in some inconsistencies, upon restoring the backup Prometheus will crash-recovery its storage at startup.
To perform backups of consistent/clean state, at the moment prometheus needs to be shutdown gracefully, therefore when running an active/standby configuration backup can be taken on the standby prometheus to minimize its impact. Note that the shutdown will result in gaps in the standby prometheus server for the duration of the shutdown.
Failure recovery
In the event of a prometheus server having an unusable local storage (disk failed, filesystem failed, corruption, etc) failure recovery can take the form of:
- start with empty storage: of course it is a complete loss of metric history for the local server and will obviously fully recover once the metric retention period has passed.
- recover from backups: restore the storage directory to the last good backup
- copy data from a similar server: when deployed in pairs it is possible to copy/rsync the storage directory onto the failed server, this will likely result in gaps in the recent history though (see also Backups)
Service Discovery
Prometheus supports different kinds of discovery through its configuration. For example, in role::prometheus::labs_project implements auto-discovery of all instances for a given labs project.
is used to continuously monitor a set of configuration files for changes and the script prometheus-labs-targets
is run periodically to write the list of instances to the relative configuration file. The file_sd
files are reloaded automatically by prometheus, so new instances will be auto-discovered and have their instance-level metrics collected.
While file-based service discovery works, Prometheus also supports higher-level discovery for example for Kubernetes (see also profile::prometheus::k8s).
Relabel rules
Relabel rules (section relabel_config, metric_relabel_configs, etc) in service discovery can be a bit hard to follow. can help in visualizing those.
Adding new metrics
In general Prometheus' model is pull-based. In practical terms that means that once metrics are available over HTTP somewhere on the network with the methods described below, Prometheus itself should be instructed to poll for metrics via its configuration (more specifically, a job as described in upstream documentation). Within WMF's Puppet the Prometheus configuration lives inside its respective instance profile, for example modules/profile/manifests/prometheus/ops.pp
is often the right place to add new jobs.
Direct service instrumentation
The most benefits from service metrics are obtained when services are directly instrumented with one of Prometheus clients, e.g. Python client. Metrics are then exposed via HTTP/HTTPS, commonly at /metrics, on the service's HTTP(S) port (in the common case) or a separate port if the service doesn't talk HTTP to begin with.
Service exporters
For cases where services can't be directly instrumented (aka whitebox monitoring), a sidekick application exporter can be run alongside the service that will query the service using whatever mechanism and expose prometheus metrics via the client. This is the case for example for apache_exporter parsing apache's mod_status page.
Machine-level metrics
Another class of metrics is all those related to the machine itself rather than a particular service. Those involve calling a subprocess and parsing the result, often in a cronjob. In these cases the simplest thing to do is drop plaintext files on the machine's filesystem for node-exporter to pick up and expose the metrics on HTTP. This mechanism is named textfile and for example the python client has support for it, e.g. sample textfile collector usage. This is most likely the mechanism we could use to replace most of the custom collectors we have for Diamond.
Ephemeral jobs (Pushgateway)
Yet another case involves service-level ephemeral jobs that are not quite long-lived enough to be queried via HTTP. For those jobs there's a push mechanism to be used: metrics are pushed to Prometheus' pushgateway via HTTP and subsequently scraped by Prometheus once a minute from the gateway itself.
This method appears similar to statsd for its simplicity, but it should be used with care -- see also best practices on when to use the pushgateway. As of 2024 there are very few usages within WMF production.
In WMF's deployment the pushgateway address to use is http://prometheus-pushgateway.discovery.wmnet
hosts_only => false
to use the full qualified domain name as targetNetwork probes (blackbox exporter)
As of Jul 2022 it is possible to run so-called network blackbox probes via Prometheus. Said probes are run from Prometheus hosts themselves, target network services and are used to assert whether the service works from a user/client perspective (hence the "blackbox" terminology). Please note that blackbox probes will not reliably test for network access (e.g. firewall rules) since Prometheus hosts can access all hosts' ports internally.
If your service is part of service::catalog in puppet then adding network probes is trivial in most cases. Add a probes stanza to your service, for example probing /?spec and test for a 2xx response is achieved by the following:
probes: - type: http path: /?spec
Refer to the Wmflib::Service::Probe type documentation for more advanced use cases.
Custom checks/probes defined outside service::catalog can be implemented in Puppet via prometheus::blackbox::check::{http,tcp,icmp} abstractions. They will deploy both network probes and related alerts (e.g. when the probe is unsuccessful, or the TLS certificates are about to expire), by default probing both ipv4 and ipv6 address families. The probe's usage largely depends on the use case, ranging from a simple example like below:
# Probe the vhost, using TLS, and talk to the host(s) this check is deployed to prometheus::blackbox::check::http { '': severity => 'page', }
To more complex use cases like VTRS, checking responses for specific text, on ipv4, etc:
prometheus::blackbox::check::http { '': team => 'serviceops-collab', severity => 'warning', path => '/otrs/', port => 1443, ip_families => ['ip4'], force_tls => true, body_regex_matches => ['wikimedia'], }
Check the http check documentation for more information.
It is recommended to pick the highest-level check possible for your service (IOW prefer HTTP over TCP for example) to improve signal-to-noise ratio.
Metrics from Logs (prometheus-es-exporter)
Metrics can be generated from OpenSearch queries by defining a query in the prometheus-es-exporter config. To test, combine 00-default.cfg
with your definition on a logstash jobs_host
and run
$ prometheus-es-exporter --cluster-health-disable --nodes-stats-disable --indices-aliases-disable --indices-mappings-disable --indices-stats-disable --port 9999 --config-file my_file.cfg
and separately on the same host
$ curl -s localhost:9999/metrics
If prometheus-es-exporter is successful parsing and running the new query, the curl output will contain your metrics in their final form.
Example use
MySQL monitoring is performed by running prometheus-mysqld-exporter
on the database machine to be monitored. Metrics are exported via http on port 9104
and fetched by prometheus server(s), to preview what metrics are being collected a fetch can be simulated with:
curl -s localhost:9104/metrics | grep -v '^#'
Grafana dashboards:
- Per group / shard / role overview:
- Per server drilldown:
Query cheatsheet
Filter for a specific instance
Given values such as
and a template variable called $server, containing the server hostname, one can filter for the selected instance as follows:
Filter by label using multi-values template variables
Given the following two metrics:
varnish_version{job="varnish-upload", ...} node_uname_info{cluster="cache_upload", ...}
and a multi-value template variable called $cache_type, with the following values: text,upload,misc,canary, it is possible to write a prometheus query filtering the selected cache_types:
varnish_version{job=~"varnish-($cache_type)"} node_uname_info{cluster=~"cache_($cache_type)"}
Dynamic, query-based template variables
Grafana's templating allows to define template variables based on Prometheus queries.
Given the following metric:
node_uname_info{release="4.9.0-0.bpo.4-amd64", ...} node_uname_info{release="4.9.0-0.bpo.3-amd64", ...}
Choose Query as the variable Type, the desired Data Source, and specify a query such as the following to extract the values:
label_values(node_uname_info, release)
Query a metric with high accuracy even if with low precision (e.g. uptime)
Prometheus metrics will never provide high precision- this is mostly because scraping only happens every minute, resulting in values being accurate within that 1 minute of scrape time. However, there are times when you need high accuracy (getting the value at a specific time), even if you don't care what that time is. This is the case, for example, to calculate the uptime of a server: you don't care if you get stale results, as long as they are accurate in the past. To do so, you can query:
timestamp(node_time_seconds) - node_time_seconds
This way the time will be accurate to the second. If you use the timestamp of the metric or time()
, you will get varying times within a minute.
How long are metrics stored in Prometheus?
As of June 2020, we have deployed Thanos for long term storage of metrics. The target retention period for all one-minute metrics is three years, although as of Jul 2022 the one-minute retention has been shortened for capacity reasons (cfr bug T311690). Five-minute and one-hour aggregated datapoints retention target is still set at three years.
What are the semantics of rate/irate/increase?
These functions generally take a counter metric (i.e. non-decreasing) and return a "value over time". Rate and irate return per second counts, while increase returns the change over the given interval. See also in depth explanation at
What best practices should we use for label and metric naming
We generally tend to follow the same general guidelines as Prometheus: Don't hesitate to reach out to Observability with further questions around metric/label naming.
How do I test/preview relabeling rules?
The relabeler online tool at will help you understand what is going on
Replacing Graphite
Another use case imaginable for Prometheus is to replace the current Graphite deployment. This task is less "standalone" than replacing Ganglia and therefore more difficult: Graphite is more powerful and used by more people/services/dashboards. Nevertheless it should be possible to keep Prometheus and Graphite alongside each other and progressively put more data into Prometheus without affecting Graphite users. The top contributors to data that flows into Graphite as of Aug 2016 are Diamond, Statsd and Cassandra.
The typical flow of Statsd traffic involves transmission from various machines to statsd.eqiad.wmnet
over UDP on port 8125 for aggregation. However, there are exceptions, such as Swift, where the Statsd aggregation occurs on localhost and is then pushed via the Graphite line-oriented protocol.
Prometheus provides the user-supplied mapping. These resulting metrics are made available over HTTP for the Prometheus server to scrape.
To integrate the statsd_exporter
into our Statsd traffic by placing it "inline" between the application and statsd.eqiad.wmnet, follow these steps:
- Modify statsd_exporter to mirror received udp packets to statsd.eqiad.wmnet and install it on end hosts
- Opt-in applications by changing their statsd host from statsd.eqiad.wmnet to localhost
- Extend the statsd_exporter mapping file to include mappings for our statsd metrics.
This integration approach is particularly effective for applications and languages that operate in a request-scoped manner (e.g., PHP) where there may not be a server process to preserve and aggregate metrics. For services falling under this category, the recommended strategy is to transition to the Prometheus client for instrumentation.
For those in the process of migrating services utilizing Statsd to Kubernetes (k8s), it's advisable to explore additional guidance under Prometheus/statsd_k8s.
Cassandra is hosted on separate Graphite machines due to the number and size of metrics it pushes, particularly in conjunction with Restbase. It should be evaluated separatedly too if e.g. a separate prometheus instance makes sense. WRT implementation there are two viable options:
- Scrape JMX cassandra metrics with either externally with a JMX connection or as a "java agent" on the side to cassandra
- Add Prometheus java client ( alongside Graphite support.
- Add Prometheus java client to creole (
Prometheus jmx_exporter can be used to collect metrics through JMX.
A few notes:
- Some standard JVM metrics are always collected as DefaultsExports, those cannot be ignored in the jmx_exporter configuration. The same metrics could be collected explicitly from their respective MBeans, but we chose to standardize on the default exports.
- Without whitelist / blacklist, jmx_exporter will iterate through all MBeans and read all their attributes. This can be expensive, or even dangerous depending on the MBeans exposed by the application.
- The whitelist / blacklist work as:
- load all mbeans corresponding to the whitelist query,
- load all mbeans corresponding to the black list query,
- remove all blacklisted mbeans from the list of whitelisted mbeans,
- iterate over the remaining mbeans, including reading all their attributes.
This implies that an overly broad blacklist query can still have a non trivial cost.
List/inspect existing mbeans
Scenario: you want to check JMX MBeans available or generic JVM data in Production from your laptop:
ssh -ND 9099 $some_hostname$ jconsole -J-DsocksProxyHost=localhost -J-DsocksProxyPort=9099
Then Jconsole will be opened and you'll need to select Remote Process, adding the following: $hostname$:port (don't use localhost, it will not work!)
Grafana dashboards
Grafana dashboards will need porting from Graphite to Prometheus metrics; this is likely to be the most labor-intensive part since most (all?) dashboards are hand-curated. While it should be possible to programmatically change statsd metric names into prometheus metric names, the query language is different enough to make this impractical except for very basic cases.
Replacing Watchmouse (CA DX APP)
Prometheus is replacing the 3rd party monitoring system we often refer to as "watchmouse" (since rebranded to CA DX APP monitoring)
This replacement has been dubbed "pingthing" as a reference to the functionality it has been deployed to replace, essentially static checks of public facing resources. Pingthing checks are driven by prometheus blackbox exporter.
Global view (Thanos) web interface
As of Jul 2020 the Thanos web interface is available at This interface offers a global view over Prometheus data and should be preferred for new use cases. Please consult the Thanos page to find out more.
Access Prometheus web interface
To access the prometheus web interface in beta (deployment-prep) you use
The Cloud Services team manage additional Prometheus deployments, hosted in Cloud VPS, for monitoring Cloud VPS and Toolforge: Portal:Cloud_VPS/Admin/Monitoring.
List metrics with curl
One easy way to check what metrics are being collected by prometheus on a given machine is to request the metrics via HTTP like prometheus server does at scrape time, e.g. for node-exporter on port 9100:
curl -s localhost:9100/metrics
Aggregate metrics from multiple sites
The use case for a "global" view of metrics used to be covered by the global Prometheus instance. Said instance is deprecated and this use case (and more) are covered by Thanos.
Sync data from an existing Prometheus host
When replacing existing Prometheus hosts it is possible to keep existing data by rsync'ing the metrics directory from the old host into the new. It is important to make sure first that the new host has puppet run successfully (thus Prometheus is configured) and can Prometheus can reach its targets successfully (i.e. the new host is part of prometheus_nodes for its site. Once all of that is done the rsync can happen, on the new host:
puppet agent --disable "copying prometheus data" export old_host=<hostname> export instance_name=ops systemctl stop prometheus@${instance_name} su -s /bin/bash prometheus rsync -vd ${old_host}::prometheus-${instance_name}/ /srv/prometheus/${instance_name}/metrics/ # do a first rsync pass in parallel for each subdirectory /usr/bin/time parallel -j10 -i rsync -a ${old_host}::prometheus-${instance_name}/{}/ {}/ -- /srv/prometheus/${instance_name}/metrics/* # once this is completed stop puppet and prometheus on $old_host as well, and repeat the rsync for a final pass. rsync -vd ${old_host}::prometheus-${instance_name}/ /srv/prometheus/${instance_name}/metrics/ /usr/bin/time parallel -j10 -i rsync -a ${old_host}::prometheus-${instance_name}/{}/ {}/ -- /srv/prometheus/${instance_name}/metrics/* # once this is completed you can restart prometheus and puppet on both hosts
Prometheus host running out of space
It might happen that Prometheus hosts get close to running out of space on one of their per-instance filesystems. Assuming the underlying volume group has space available (lvs to check what LVs are present and on which VGs, then vgs to check VGs themselves) then it is possible to extend the filesystem online with (e.g. +25G to the prometheus-foo LV on vg0 VG, remove --test once happy).
lvextend --test --resizefs --size +25G vg0/prometheus-foo
Make sure to:
- Leave some space available on the VG, to handle cases like this in the future if possible
- Extend the filesystem on all prometheus hosts in the same site
- !log your actions for easier traceability
No space available on the volume group
At some point the space on volume group might be fully allocated. In this case the emergency remedy is to decrease Prometheus retention time via prometheus::server::storage_retention in Puppet, and restart Prometheus with the new settings.
In the unfortunate case that the filesystem is 100% utilized is also possible to manually remove storage "blocks" (i.e. directories) from the metrics directory under /srv/prometheus/INSTANCE. Sorting the filenames alphabetically will ensure they are sorted chronologically as well.
Add filesystems for a new instance
Until T163692 is fully resolved, new Prometheus instances require adding LVs to the Prometheus hosts in eqiad/codfw. When provisioning a new instance refer to modules/prometheus/files/ add the new instance there and run the script on eqiad/codfw Prometheus hosts.
Add metrics from a new service
Most services which export metrics to Prometheus do so via an HTTP endpoint, running on its own port. This HTTP endpoint can be served by the daemon itself, or by a separate "exporter" process.
Prometheus needs to be told to scrape the HTTP endpoint, which it calls a "target." (A logical grouping of targets is called a "job.") In addition to adding the new job to the Prometheus server, you will need to add a firewall rule exposing the HTTP endpoint.
For an example Puppet changes to add new jobs, see change 572141.
Stop queries on problematic instances
If a single Prometheus instance is misbehaving (e.g. overloaded) it is possible to temporarily stop queries from reaching that instance, by stopping Puppet commenting the relevant ProxyPass entry in /etc/apache2/prometheus.d/ and issue apache2ctl graceful. See also bug T217715.
Prometheus was restarted
The alert on Prometheus uptime exists to notify opsen of the possibility of strange monitoring artifacts occurring, as has happened in the past. If it was just a single restart, and not a crashloop, no action is strictly necessary (but investigating what happened isn't a bad idea; Prometheus isn't supposed to crash or restart).
If this alert is firing for a 'global' Prometheus, it can mean that either the global instance restarted, or that one of the Prometheis scraped by the global instance restarted.
Configuration reload failure
Check for recent changes in Puppet, particular modifications to monitoring::check_prometheus invocations or to the underlying module/prometheus templates themselves. Hopefully the error message from Prometheus gives you some idea.
Prometheus job unavailable
As part of bug T187708 there's alerting in place for unavailable Prometheus jobs. This alert means that Prometheus was unable to fetch metrics from most of the job's targets, usually for the following reasons:
- the targets themselves are effectively down, unreachable or fetching metrics timed out. Could be caused by missing firewall rules on the host, the service is down, etc
- the target files for Prometheus are incorrect or stale. For example Prometheus is trying to pull metrics from a port /service that's not provisioned on the host anymore. Check /srv/prometheus/INSTANCE/targets on Prometheus hosts and the related Puppet configuration at modules/profile/manifests/prometheus/INSTANCE.pp.
See also for dashboard
Prometheus exporters "up" metrics unavailable
Some services don't have native Prometheus metrics support, thus an "exporter" is used that runs alongside the service and converts metrics from the service into Prometheus metrics. It might happen that the exporter itself is up (thus the job is available, see above) but the exporter is unable to contact the service for some reason. Such conditions are reported in metrics such as mysql_up
for example by the mysql exporter. See also for dashboard and logs.
Failover Prometheus Pushgateway
The Prometheus Pushgateway needs to run as a singleton to properly track pushed metrics. For this reason the prometheus-pushgateway is active on one host at a time.
To failover the steps involved are the following:
- Change profile::prometheus::pushgateway_host in Puppet to point to another Prometheus host
- Change the prometheus-pushgateway.discovery.wmnet record in DNS to point to the same host.
- Run puppet on the old and new host, then on all prometheus hosts in codfw/eqiad to make sure metrics are polled from the new host
Stale file for node-exporter textfile
Certain metrics are periodically generated by dumping Prometheus-formatted plaintext files (extension .prom) into /var/lib/prometheus/node.d/. The processes that generate the files run asynchronously to node-exporter, normally via systemd timers, and such processes can fail to update the files. The alert fire whenever such metric files have failed to be updated; the Icinga alert description will be something like the following:
cluster=analytics file=debian_version.prom instance=an-worker1101 job=node site=eqiad
Meaning that an-worker1101 has failed to update debian_version.prom. Debugging such failures usually involved finding out which systemd timer is responsible for generating the file, usually by looking at puppet, and further debug from there.
Pingthing Non-23xx HTTP response
A URL checked by the blackbox/pingthing prometheus job is returning a non 200/300 HTTP code, the URL contained in the instance label should be checked for problems.
Depool Prometheus for reads and writes
If the Prometheus host is in eqiad/codfw then depooling from the read path involves issuing a depool
and then pool
on the host itself (or via confctl
). For Prometheus on PoPs there's no depool on the read path.
For the "write" path (i.e. send alerts) the depool consists on setting alertmanagers: []
in hiera for the host in question and revert the change once done.
PrometheusRuleEvaluationFailures alert
This alert indicates that Prometheus or Thanos are failing to evaluate their recording or alerting rules. For further investigation check out the alert details on for an example investigation.