To be successful, law reform must be an inclusive process. As such, the consultation process is of central importance to the Commission's work.
We encourage you to become involved in the process of law reform in Ireland by contacting us with suggestions or comments on any of Commission's current reports or consultation papers.
Submissions, either verbal or written, are welcome at any stage during our deliberations on any topic. Please note that consultees need not answer all questions and are also invited to add any additional comments they consider relevant. Comments and suggestions are warmly welcomed on any of the questions asked from all interested parties. Please also note in this regard that submissions are, in principle, subject to the possibility of disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2014. Any person can make a submission saying that they are making it on a confidential basis, especially if it contains personal information, and we would then treat it as confidential as far as possible. In the event that we receive a request for any material to be disclosed under FOI, we will, before releasing the information, contact the person concerned for their views. Please note that there are a number of different ways to submit your written contributions, depending on your own personal preference, specifically:
(i) You can email your submission - in whichever format is most convenient to you - to the Commission at [email protected] . NOTE: Consultation Papers will each have their own dedicated email address for responses
(ii) You may post your submission to :
Law Reform Commission,
Styne House,
Upper Hatch Street,
Dublin 2,
D02 DY27
Current Consultations
The Commission currently has no open consultations but still encourages feedback on varios aspects of its work.
General Queries
For all other queries, please either use the contact form as below, phone or email us.