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idearesearch infrastructureright of establishmentyoung personyouth employmenteconomic governance (EU)EU police cooperationfinancial auditinsurance companyinternational competitioninternational negotiationsinternational tradenational budgetplant health controlpublic procurementreal estate marketveterinary inspectionaccession criteriaartificial intelligencecompany lawconsumer lawEuropean citizenshipEuropean integrationfinancing of the EU budgetfoodstuffs legislationforeign investmentiron and steel industrylegal systemopen sciencepolicymakingproduct safetybiocidal productclimate changedefence industrydigital technologyeconomic convergenceEU Charter of Fundamental RightsEU publicationprofessional ethicsrenewable energyWestern Balkansaid to refugeesanimal healthchemicals legislationcommunications policydistribution of incomeeconomic and social cohesionenergy marketenvironmental protectionEU Security UnionEU sport policymaritime transportmedical researchmoney 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controlfood securitygenetically modified organismgeo-blockingharmonisation of standardshealth costsinformation policyInternetjudicial reformknowledge transfer and exchangelinguisticsMember States' contributionmotor vehicle industrynoise pollutionplastic wasterisk managementroad transportroboticsscientific cooperationsocial economysocial inequalityspecial chemicalssustainable mobilitytax transparency policytransport of animalstrends of opinionwar in Ukrainewaste managementwateradvisory committee (EU)aid policyair safetyarchitectureassessmentaudiovisual equipmentaudiovisual industrybusiness modelbusiness start-upcarbon dioxidecivil servantcommon fisheries policyconsumptioncorporate financecredit guaranteedecommissioning of power stationsdegradation of the environmentdevelopment aiddigital contentdisaster risk reductiondomestic violenceEastern Partnershipeconometricselectronic commerceelectronic communications policyelectronic signatureemergency responseenergy industryenvironmental impactequal payequal treatmentEU policy - national policyEuropean CommissionerEuropean Court of AuditorsEuropean Unionexcise dutyexport policyfirefree movement of personsgas industryhealth care systemhealth policyhousinghydrogenillegal logginginflationinformation serviceinland waterway transportinternational affairsinternational financeInternet of Thingsinterpretinglegal professionliabilitymarine and aquatic researchmaritime economymaritime safetymarketingmeatmicroeconomicsmigrationmoney marketnuclear policyopen access publishingopen innovationoperational expenditure (EU)pharmaceutical legislationplant variety rightprivate international lawprofessional qualificationsprotected speciesprotection of privacypublic investmentpublic sectorrail transportredistribution of incomeretail tradesexual minorityskills anticipation and matchingslaughter of animalssocial sciencessocial securitysubstances of human originsupport mechanismsustainable agriculturesustainable fisheriestax avoidancetax on incometelecommunications industryterrorismtourism policytrans-European networktransmission networktransport researchtraveluniversityupdating of skillsvaccination certificatevehicle fleetvirtual currencywarwaste recyclingwater policyacceding countryaccess to informationadvanced manufacturing systemsadvanced materialsaerospace industryAfrica-EU partnershipagricultural policyagricultural researchagricultural tradeaid evaluationair pollutionair quality policyanimal feedingstuffsanimal productanimal welfareaquacultureaquatic ecosystemarms policyautomobilebalance of paymentsbeverage industrybig databioeconomybiotechnologybudget deficitbuilding industrycancercapital goodscarbon capture and storagechild protectionchildren's rightscitizens' Europeclinical trialcloud computingcoalmining policycoastal and maritime tourismcompetition lawcomplaint to the Commissioncompliance auditconsumer goodscoordination of EMU policiescorruptioncost of livingcounterfeitingcriminal lawcritical infrastructure securitycultural heritagecustoms tariffdata transmissiondesignation of origindrug trafficdual-use technologyeducational systemelectionelectronic evidenceemergency aidemission tradingemployment serviceenvironmental lawequality before the lawethnic groupEU alert systemEU direct paymentsEU economic securityEU financing arrangementsEU macroregional policyEU nationalEuropean Central BankEuropean External Action ServiceEuropean symbolEU trade markexpert group (EU)explosivefacilities for the disabledfertiliserfinancial riskfinancial skillsfishfishery managementfishing groundsfishing industryfloodfluorinated gasfood industryforest conservationforestry economicsforestry policyfreedom to provide servicesfree movement of goodsgovernancegreenhouse gasgreenwashinggross domestic producthuman rightsimpact studyindustrial researchinformation scienceinfringement of EU lawinput-output analysisintegration of migrantsinternational securityinteroperabilityinvasive speciesknowledge managementlabellinglabour mobilitylanguagelanguage industrylegislationmanagementmarine pollutionmaritime securitymicrofinancemigration controlmining industrymultilateralismmultinational enterprisenanotechnologynatural disasternoise protectionnuclear researchnuclear technologyoceanoperational programmeorphan diseaseownershipozonepassportpatentpaymentpeacekeepingpetroleum policyplant breedingplant health legislationpolice cooperationposted workerpre-accession aidpreferential agreementpreparednesspressure equipmentprinciple of proportionalityprocessed food productpromotion of agricultural productsprotection of minoritiespublic administrationPublications Office of the European Unionpublic awareness campaignrecreational craft industryreduction of gas emissionsrefugeeregional cooperationregional developmentregulationresearch integrityresearch staffrestriction on competitionreturn migrationrights of the defenceroamingsafety of nuclear installationsscientific committee (EU)sexual violenceshipbuildingsocially disadvantaged classsocial mediasocial partnerssocial protectionsoil protectionspace policyspace researchstatistical methodstructural policysupply chainsustainable forest managementtariff negotiationstax evasiontax on capitaltechnical barrier to tradetechnical cooperationtelecommunicationstertiary sectortobacco industrytrademarktrade relationstrade uniontransatlantic relationstransport insurancetransport staffunemploymentunfair terms of contracturban habitatvalue chainvehicle taxveterinary medicinal productvictimvisa policyvoluntary organisationwhistleblowingwood industryWorld Trade Organisationwriting skillszootechnicsToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Publications (6591) RSS Showing results 1 to 10 Commission work programme11 February 2025Secretariat-General2025 Commission work programme and annexes2025 Commission work programmeStudy10 February 2025Some Intergenerational Arithmetic to Control Public Debt in the EUArticle published as CESifo Working PaperGeneral publications6 February 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationDocuments for senior management selection proceduresDocuments for senior management selection proceduresGeneral publications6 February 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationDocuments for middle management selection proceduresFind relevant documents for your selection procedure, such as the privacy statement and decision on middle management staff.General publications4 February 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications27 January 2025Article 18 of the Windsor Framework – Exchange on the outcome of the democratic consent vote in the Northern Ireland AssemblyArticle 18 WF outcome of the democratic consentStudy24 January 2025The enforcement dilemma of EU fiscal rulesArticle published in Economics & PoliticsGeneral publications21 January 2025Fourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Public Procurement under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next Share this page
Commission work programme11 February 2025Secretariat-General2025 Commission work programme and annexes2025 Commission work programmeStudy10 February 2025Some Intergenerational Arithmetic to Control Public Debt in the EUArticle published as CESifo Working PaperGeneral publications6 February 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationDocuments for senior management selection proceduresDocuments for senior management selection proceduresGeneral publications6 February 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationDocuments for middle management selection proceduresFind relevant documents for your selection procedure, such as the privacy statement and decision on middle management staff.General publications4 February 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications27 January 2025Article 18 of the Windsor Framework – Exchange on the outcome of the democratic consent vote in the Northern Ireland AssemblyArticle 18 WF outcome of the democratic consentStudy24 January 2025The enforcement dilemma of EU fiscal rulesArticle published in Economics & PoliticsGeneral publications21 January 2025Fourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Public Procurement under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next Share this page
Study10 February 2025Some Intergenerational Arithmetic to Control Public Debt in the EUArticle published as CESifo Working PaperGeneral publications6 February 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationDocuments for senior management selection proceduresDocuments for senior management selection proceduresGeneral publications6 February 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationDocuments for middle management selection proceduresFind relevant documents for your selection procedure, such as the privacy statement and decision on middle management staff.General publications4 February 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications27 January 2025Article 18 of the Windsor Framework – Exchange on the outcome of the democratic consent vote in the Northern Ireland AssemblyArticle 18 WF outcome of the democratic consentStudy24 January 2025The enforcement dilemma of EU fiscal rulesArticle published in Economics & PoliticsGeneral publications21 January 2025Fourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Public Procurement under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next
General publications6 February 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationDocuments for senior management selection proceduresDocuments for senior management selection proceduresGeneral publications6 February 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationDocuments for middle management selection proceduresFind relevant documents for your selection procedure, such as the privacy statement and decision on middle management staff.General publications4 February 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications27 January 2025Article 18 of the Windsor Framework – Exchange on the outcome of the democratic consent vote in the Northern Ireland AssemblyArticle 18 WF outcome of the democratic consentStudy24 January 2025The enforcement dilemma of EU fiscal rulesArticle published in Economics & PoliticsGeneral publications21 January 2025Fourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Public Procurement under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next
General publications6 February 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationDocuments for middle management selection proceduresFind relevant documents for your selection procedure, such as the privacy statement and decision on middle management staff.General publications4 February 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications27 January 2025Article 18 of the Windsor Framework – Exchange on the outcome of the democratic consent vote in the Northern Ireland AssemblyArticle 18 WF outcome of the democratic consentStudy24 January 2025The enforcement dilemma of EU fiscal rulesArticle published in Economics & PoliticsGeneral publications21 January 2025Fourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Public Procurement under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next
General publications4 February 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications27 January 2025Article 18 of the Windsor Framework – Exchange on the outcome of the democratic consent vote in the Northern Ireland AssemblyArticle 18 WF outcome of the democratic consentStudy24 January 2025The enforcement dilemma of EU fiscal rulesArticle published in Economics & PoliticsGeneral publications21 January 2025Fourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Public Procurement under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next
General publications27 January 2025Article 18 of the Windsor Framework – Exchange on the outcome of the democratic consent vote in the Northern Ireland AssemblyArticle 18 WF outcome of the democratic consentStudy24 January 2025The enforcement dilemma of EU fiscal rulesArticle published in Economics & PoliticsGeneral publications21 January 2025Fourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Public Procurement under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next
Study24 January 2025The enforcement dilemma of EU fiscal rulesArticle published in Economics & PoliticsGeneral publications21 January 2025Fourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Public Procurement under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next
General publications21 January 2025Fourth meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Public Procurement under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation AgreementMinutesGeneral publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next
General publications20 January 2025Secretariat-GeneralFourth meeting of the trade Specialised Committee on on Services, Investment and Digital TradeMinutesGeneral publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu 1Page 123...660Next
General publications15 January 2025Directorate-General for CommunicationThe EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Progress on gender and equality budgeting within the European Union – Sweden – 28-29 November 2024On 28-29 November 2024, Sweden and Ireland co-hosted a seminar in Stockholm on gender and equality budgeting. Government delegates and gender experts from 15 further EU Member States participated in the seminar, which provided an excellent opportunity to discuss ways to increase the use of gender bu