For a folder: Click the More button
If you’re the owner of a shared note or folder, you can choose how highlights and notifications appear when participants make changes, edit the note, add or delete notes or subfolders, and move notes or subfolders out of the main folder. See .
Manage a folder: Click the shared folder you want to manage, then click , then choose either Can Make Changes or View Only.
What you can do with shared notes and folders depends on the permissions the owner gave you.
If you have view-only permission: You can remove yourself from the note, copy the link, and choose how highlights and notifications appear when participants make changes.
If you have permission to make changes: You can do all of the above plus edit the note, add or delete notes or subfolders, and move notes or subfolders out of the main folder. See .
Click Manage Shared Note, then do any of the following:
Remove yourself as a participant: Move the pointer over your name, click the More button Customize toolbars on Mac