In this formula, the following arguments are used:
if-expression: C2>B2. This checks to see which test score is greater.
if-true: C2. If C2 is greater than B2, the test score in C2 is returned.
if-true: B2. If C2 is less than B2, the test score in B2 is returned.
This formula calculates a final score as the higher of two test scores, and can easily be modified for any other student in the table above by changing the cell references to match the correct student’s scores.
Use a nested IF function to test for more conditions:
if-expression: ISBLANK(A2), which checks to see if the cell A2 is blank.
if-true: "yes", the string that is returned if A2 is blank.
if-false: "no", the string that is returned if A2 is not blank.
For more complex tests, you can also combine IF with IFERROR