range…: Optionally include one or more additional collections of cells. The collections must all have the same dimensions.
The SUMPRODUCT function multiplies the corresponding numbers in each collection and then sums each of the products. If only one collection is specified, SUMPRODUCT returns the sum of the collection.
Suppose cells B1:E1 contain 1, 2, 3 and 4. Suppose cells B2:E2 contain 2, 4, 6 and 8.
=SUMPRODUCT(B1:E1, B2:E2) returns 60, the sum of B1*B2 (2), C1*C2 (8), D1*D2 (18) and E1*E2 (32).
=SUMPRODUCT(B1:E1) returns 10 because there is only one collection and the sum of that collection is 10.