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Logic Pro User Guide for Mac
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Logic Pro for Mac 11.1
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Table of Contents
Logic Pro User Guide for Mac
What’s new in Logic Pro
What’s new in Logic Pro for Mac 11.1
What’s new in Logic Pro for Mac 11
What’s new in Logic Pro for Mac 10.8
What’s new in Logic Pro for Mac 10.7.8
What’s new in Logic Pro for Mac 10.7.5
What’s new in Logic Pro 10.7.3
What’s new in Logic Pro 10.7
What’s new in Logic Pro 10.6
What’s new in Logic Pro 10.5
What’s new in Logic Pro 10.4
What’s new in Logic Pro 10.3
What’s new in Logic Pro 10.2
What’s new in Logic Pro 10.0
Get started with Logic Pro
Get started overview
Workflow overview
Logic Pro main window
Playback and navigation
Tempo, key, and time signature
Audio tracks
Software instrument tracks
Track header controls
Arranging regions
Editing regions
Piano Roll Editor
Audio Track Editor
Session Players
Smart Controls
Live Loops
Apple Loops
Smart Tempo
Logic Pro basics
What is Logic Pro for Mac?
Logic Pro interface overview
Main window interface
Tracks area interface
Library interface
Inspector interface
Mixer interface
Smart Controls interface
Audio Track Editor interface
Piano Roll Editor interface
Session Player Editor interface
Score Editor interface
Step Editor interface
Audio File Editor interface
Note Pads
Project notes interface
Track notes interface
List Editors
Event List interface
Marker List interface
Tempo List interface
Signature List interface
Loop Browser interface
Project Audio Browser interface
All Files Browser interface
Logic Pro project basics
Work with windows
Open and close windows
Move and resize windows
Zoom windows
Scale plug-in windows
Move through display levels
Control windows using Catch modes
Control window relationships
Control windows using screensets
Create, recall, and switch screensets
Protect, copy, rename, and delete screensets
Import screensets
Revert to saved screensets
Work with tools
Tools overview
Assign tools
Common tools
Use menu commands and key commands
Use the complete set of Logic Pro features
Undo and redo edits
Manage Logic Pro content
How to get help
Connect external devices
Hardware connection overview
Connect audio devices
Audio devices overview
Connect a microphone
Connect an electric instrument
Connect an audio interface
Connect speakers
Configure a connected audio device
Configure Apogee and Avid devices
Connect MIDI devices
MIDI devices overview
Connect a USB music keyboard
Connect MIDI keyboards and modules
About multichannel MIDI devices
Stop local sound generation
Use virtual MIDI devices in Logic Pro
Virtual MIDI devices overview in Logic Pro for Mac
Record MIDI messages from another music app
Send MIDI messages from Logic Pro for Mac to another music app
Work with projects
Projects overview
Create projects
Open projects
Save projects
Delete projects
Play and navigate projects
Play a project
Set the playhead position
Control playback with the transport buttons
Use transport shortcut menus
Use transport key commands
Customize the control bar
Change the LCD display mode in Logic Pro for Mac
Monitor and reset MIDI events
Use the cycle area
Use the Chase Events function
Use Apple Remote to control Logic Pro
Use Logic Remote to control Logic Pro projects
Set project properties
Project properties overview
Set the project tempo
Set the project key signature
Set the project time signature
Set the project sample rate
Set the project start and end points
Set the project playback volume
Manage projects
Project management overview
Use project alternatives and backups
Clean up projects
Manage project assets
Consolidate assets in a project
Rename projects
Copy and move projects
Import data and settings from other projects
Preview projects in the Finder
Close projects
View project information
Work with tracks
Tracks overview
Track basics
Create tracks
Create tracks using drag and drop
Create tracks using existing channel strips
Assign tracks to different channel strips
Choose the default region type for software instrument tracks
Select tracks
Duplicate tracks
Rename tracks
Change track icons
Change track colors
Reorder tracks
Zoom tracks
Replace or double drum sounds
Use track header controls
Track header overview
Mute tracks
Solo tracks
Set track volume levels
Set track pan positions
Enable tracks for recording
Turn on input monitoring for audio tracks
Use track alternatives
Turn off tracks
Protect tracks
Freeze tracks
Hide tracks
Delete tracks
Edit multiple tracks
Work with patches in the Library
Patches overview
Choose a patch
Choose presets and other files in the Library
View patches for a particular sound pack
Search for patches by name
Merge patch settings with the current patch
Reset patches
Save custom patches
Map performance patches
Work with track stacks
Track stacks overview
Create and edit track stacks
Track stacks and the Library
Control timing with the groove track
Work with articulations
Articulation editing overview
Manage articulations in the Editors
Manage articulations for software instruments
Manage articulations with the Articulation Set Editor
Bounce tracks and regions in place
Bounce in place overview
Bounce a track in place
Bounce all tracks in place
Bounce regions in place
Use selection-based processing
Export tracks and regions
Export tracks as audio files
Export regions as audio files
Move audio files used for audio regions
Export MIDI regions
Edit track parameters
Record your voice or a musical instrument
Record audio
Before recording audio
Record sound from a microphone or an electric instrument
Record multiple audio takes
Record to multiple audio tracks
Punch in and out of audio recordings
Replace audio recordings
Delete audio recordings
Record software instruments
Before recording software instruments
Play software instruments
Record software instruments
Record additional software instrument takes
Overdub software instrument recordings
Spot erase software instrument recordings
Use Note Repeat
Replace software instrument recordings
Record to multiple software instrument tracks
Record multiple MIDI devices to multiple tracks
Record software instruments and audio simultaneously
Use step input recording techniques
Record MIDI messages from another music app
Route MIDI internally to software instrument tracks
Use the metronome
Advanced recording techniques
Advanced recording commands
Color takes while recording
Mark takes while recording
Capture your most recent MIDI performance
Comp your audio recordings
Comping overview
Preview take recordings
Create, save, edit, and rename comps
Create and save comps
Edit comps
Rename takes and comps
Delete takes and comps
Edit take regions
Edit start and end points of take regions
Cut take folders and take regions
Move take folders and take regions
Manage take folder contents
Export takes and comps
Move takes and comps
Flatten and merge take folders
Unpack take folders
Pack regions into take folders
Use loops and other media files
Using loops and other media in Logic Pro
Use Apple Loops in your projects
Apple Loops in Logic Pro
Search for Apple Loops
Play Apple Loops
Access your favorite Apple Loops
Add Apple Loops to your projects
Create your own Apple Loops
Customize the Loop Browser
Work with untagged loops
Import and search for files
Import media files
Search for media files
Media file search conditions
Bookmark folders in the All Files Browser
Use the Project Audio Browser
Project Audio Browser overview
Add and delete audio files
Play audio regions in the Project Audio Browser
Sort, group, and rename audio files
Move, copy, and convert audio files
Export and import audio region information
Import compressed audio files
Supported media and file formats
Media and file formats overview
GarageBand projects
Final Cut Pro XML files
Standard MIDI files
AAF files
Arrange a project
Arranging overview
Work in the Tracks area
Tracks area overview
Position items using the ruler
Position items using alignment guides
Snap items to the grid
Automatically zoom the Tracks area
Quantize regions
Control positioning with drag modes
Scrub a project
Scroll and zoom in the Tracks area
Customize the toolbar
Arrange regions in the Tracks area
Regions overview
Select regions
Select parts of regions
Cut, copy, and paste regions
Move regions
Add or remove gaps
Delay region playback
Loop regions
Repeat regions
Resize regions
Mute and solo regions
Time stretch regions
Reverse audio regions
Split regions
Demix MIDI regions
Join regions
Create regions in the Tracks area
Change the gain of audio regions in the Tracks area
Normalize audio regions in the Tracks area
Create aliases of MIDI regions
Convert repeated MIDI regions to loops
Change the color of regions
Convert a MIDI region into a pattern region in Logic Pro for Mac
Replace a MIDI region with a Session Player region in Logic Pro for Mac
Convert audio regions to samples for a sampler instrument
Rename regions
Delete regions
Work with chords
Chords overview
Add and delete chords
Select chords
Cut, copy, and paste chords
Move and resize chords
Loop chords on the Chord track
Transpose chords
Edit chords
Work with chord groups
Use chord progressions
Change the chord rhythm
Choose which chords a Session Player region follows
Analyze the key signature of a range of chords
Create fades and crossfades on audio regions
Create fades on audio regions
Edit fades
Create automatic crossfades
Delete fades
Extract vocal and instrumental stems with Stem Splitter
Remove silent passages from audio files
Remove silent passages
Uses for Remove Silence
Work with folders
Folders overview
Pack and unpack folders
Open and close folders
Add and remove regions from folders
Create groove templates
Edit region parameters
Use the Region inspector
Audio region parameters
MIDI region parameters
MIDI quantization types
Quantize parameter values
Advanced quantization parameters
Edit audio regions in the Audio Track Editor
Select audio regions
Cut, copy, and paste audio regions
Move audio regions
Trim audio regions
Split and join audio regions
Snap edits to zero crossings
Delete audio regions
Use Flex Time and Pitch in the Logic Pro for Mac Audio Track Editor
Use automation in the Audio Track Editor
Edit MIDI regions in the Piano Roll Editor
Add and edit notes
Add notes
Select notes
Snap items to the grid
Move notes
Copy notes
Change the pitch of notes
Resize notes
Edit note velocity
Quantize the timing of notes
Quantize the pitch of notes
Change note articulations
Lock the position of events
Mute notes
Change note color
View note labels
Delete notes
Time stretch notes
View multiple MIDI regions
Split chords
Automation/MIDI area in the Piano Roll Editor
Open other editors
Work with Session Players
Session Players overview
The Session Player Editor
Choose a Session Player type and style
Chords and Session Players
Choose Session Player presets
Edit a Session Player performance
Edit a Session Player performance
Edit a Keyboard Player performance
Edit a Bass Player performance
Edit a Drummer performance
Create a custom pattern
Regenerate a Session Player performance
Follow rhythm of chords and other tracks
Work with Drummer multi-channel kits
Convert Session Player regions into MIDI or pattern regions
Edit the timing and pitch of audio
Flex Time and Pitch overview
Edit the timing of audio
Flex Time algorithms and parameters
Time stretch using flex markers
Time stretch using marquee selections
Flex tool time stretching
Delete, reset, and move flex markers
Adjust the timing of Flex Time activated tracks using the Quantize menu
Edit the pitch of audio
Flex Pitch algorithm and parameters
Edit pitch and timing with Flex Pitch
Quickly edit audio pitch in the Tracks area
Correct the timing of audio regions with Flex Pitch
Quantize the pitch of audio regions
Create MIDI from audio recordings
Change the gain of notes in audio regions
Use Varispeed to alter the speed and pitch of audio
Advanced edit features
Logic Pro for Mac advanced editors overview
Event List
Event List overview
Event List display options
View events and regions in the Event List
Filter event types
View events outside the display area
Change the position and width of columns in the Event List
Select and create events in the Event List
Select events in the Event List
Create events in the Event List
Edit events in the Event List
Edit events overview
Change the position and length of events
Protect the position of events
Change event values
Edit articulation IDs for note events
Mute and delete regions and events
Event Types
Note events
Control change events
Pitch bend events
Program change events
Aftertouch events
Poly aftertouch events
SysEx events
Meta events
Event Float window
Step Editor
Step Editor overview
Create and edit steps in the Step Editor
Change the grid and step display
Create steps in the Step Editor
Select steps in the Step Editor
Delete steps in the Step Editor
Restore deleted steps in the Step Editor
Change step values in the Step Editor
Move and copy steps in the Step Editor
Protect the position of steps
Lane parameters
Lane parameters overview
Create lanes
Edit Lane parameters
Use the Lane inspector
Use Lane Sets
Audio File Editor
Audio File Editor overview
Audio File Editor interface
Audio File Editor interface overview
Change the waveform display
Change the waveform amplitude scale
Change the ruler display
Play audio files in the Audio File Editor
Navigate audio files in the Audio File Editor
Make selections in the Audio File Editor
Make basic selections
Use transient markers to make selections
Set project tempo with selected audio
Edit and process audio in the Audio File Editor
Audio File Editor edit commands
Edit audio files with transient markers
Use the Audio File Editor Pencil tool
Trim or silence audio files
Remove DC offset
Set audio file levels
Normalize audio files
Fade audio files
Reverse audio and invert phase
Audio File Editor Loop commands
Undo Audio File Editor edits
Backup audio files
Use an external sample editor
MIDI Transform window
MIDI Transform window overview
Use MIDI transform sets
MIDI Transform window presets
MIDI Transform window parameters
MIDI Transform window parameters overview
Set selection conditions
Set operations parameters
Use the MIDI Transform map
Exchange parameter values
MIDI Transform window examples
Mix a project
Mixing overview
Mixer channel strips
Channel strip types
Channel strip controls
Set channel strip volume and check levels
Peak level display and signal clipping
Set volume levels
Check levels
Set pre-fader metering in Logic Pro for Mac
Set channel strip input format
Set channel strip pan or balance positions
Mute and solo channel strips
Reorder channel strips in the Mixer
Work with plug-ins
Plug-ins overview
Add, remove, move, and copy plug-ins
Search for plug-ins in the Mixer
Insert a plug-in on a track using drag and drop
Activate plug-ins on inactive channel strips
Use the Channel EQ
Work in the plug-in window
Work with plug-in settings
Work with plug-in latencies
Work with Audio Units in Logic Pro for Mac
Support for ARA 2 compatible plug-ins
Use MPE with software instruments
Use the Plug-in Manager
Work with channel strip settings
Control channel strip signal flow in the Mixer
Route audio via insert effects
Route audio via send effects
Adjust panning for sends independently
Use aux channel strips
Aux channel strips overview
Create mix subgroups
Send signals to multiple destinations
Use multi-output instruments
Use output channel strips
Define a channel strip’s stereo output
Define a channel strip’s mono output
Create tracks for signal flow channel strips
Work with Mixer groups
Groups overview
Group Settings window
Create and delete groups in Logic Pro for Mac
Edit group membership
Automate groups
Edit groups
Use VCA groups
Surround panning
Binaural panning
Binaural panning overview
Use the Binaural Panner knob
Use the Binaural Post-Processing plug-in
Work with MIDI channel strips
MIDI channel strips overview
Adjust elements of MIDI channel strips
Save and restore MIDI channel strip settings
Customize the Mixer
Change the Mixer view
Navigate within the Mixer
View channel strips linked to folder tracks
Rename channel strips
Add track notes in the Mixer
View control surface bars
Link control surfaces to the Mixer
Use the I/O Labels window
Undo and redo Mixer and plug-in adjustments
Automate mix and effects settings
Automation overview
Track automation vs. region automation
Show automation curves
Choose automation modes
Add automation to tracks
Add and adjust automation points
Adjust a range of automation points
Record live automation
Select, copy, move, and delete automation
Select, copy, and move automation
Delete automation
Snap automation to grid positions
Edit automation in the Automation Event List
Write automation with external controllers
Use Smart Controls
Smart Controls overview
Show Smart Controls for master effects
Choose a Smart Control layout
Automatic MIDI controller assignment
Map screen controls automatically
Map screen controls
Edit mapping parameters
Use parameter mapping graphs
Open the plug-in window for a screen control
Rename a screen control
Use articulation IDs to change articulations
Assign hardware controls to screen controls
Compare Smart Control edits with saved settings
Use the Arpeggiator
Automate screen control movements
Use Live Loops
Live Loops overview
Start and stop cells
Work with Live Loops cells
Record to cells
Record to cells
Record and edit takes in cells
Change loop settings for cells
How the Live Loops grid and Tracks area interact
Edit cells
Edit scenes
Work in the Cell Editor
Bounce cells
Record a Live Loops performance
Change Live Loops grid settings
Control Live Loops with other devices
Use Step Sequencer
Step Sequencer overview
Use Step Sequencer with Drum Machine Designer
Create Step Sequencer patterns
Pattern creation basics
Change the musical length of a pattern
Use edit modes
Pattern creation examples
Record Step Sequencer patterns live
Step record Step Sequencer patterns
Load and save patterns
Modify pattern playback
Edit steps
Edit rows
Step Sequencer inspector
Customize Step Sequencer
Edit global project settings
Global changes overview
Use the global tracks
Global tracks overview
Show and hide global tracks
Resize and reorder global tracks
Work with markers
Markers overview
Add markers
Edit markers
Rename markers
Navigate using markers
Use marker sets
Customize how markers appear
Use marker information
Delete markers
Build a project with arrangement markers
Arrangement markers overview
Add arrangement markers
Edit arrangement markers
Work with time and key signatures
Time and key signature overview
Create time signature changes
Create key signature changes
Edit time and key signatures
Delete signatures
Use signature sets
Control transposition with the Pitch Source parameter
Work with tempo
Tempo overview
Create tempo changes with the Tempo track
Tempo track overview
Add and edit tempo points
Move and copy tempo points
Create tempo curves
Use the Tempo List
Tempo List overview
Add tempo changes in the Tempo List
Use tempo sets
Use Smart Tempo
Smart Tempo overview
Use free tempo recording
Choose the Project Tempo mode
Choose the Flex & Follow setting
Use Smart Tempo with multitrack audio
Work in the Smart Tempo Editor
Improve the tempo analysis using hints
Correct tempo analysis results using beat markers
Protect Smart Tempo edits by locking a range
Match audio recordings to the project tempo
Match the tempo to an audio region
Use audio file tempo information
Record tempo changes
Use Tempo Operations
Tempo Operations overview
Create and edit tempo changes
Use the Tempo Interpreter
Use the tempo fader
Work with beat mapping
Beat mapping overview
On MIDI regions
On audio regions
Automatic beat mapping
Control project volume
Create a musical score
Work in the Score Editor
Score Editor overview
View music notation
Import MusicXML files
Position items graphically
Move and copy items
Resize notes and symbols
Adjust display headroom
Repeat events
Insert items in multiple regions
Edit multiple items
Select multiple regions
Hide regions
Add notes
Add notes and symbols from the Part box
Part box overview
View score symbols
Select score symbols
Add notes and rests
Add notes and symbols to multiple regions
Add key and time signature changes
Change the clef sign
Add dynamic marks, slurs, and crescendi
Change note heads
Add symbols to notes
Add trills, ornaments, and tremolo symbols
Add sustain pedal markings
Add chord symbols
Add chord grids and tablature symbols
Add bar lines, repeats, and coda signs
Add page and line break symbols
Edit notes in the Score Editor
Select notes
Move and copy notes
Change note pitch, duration, and velocity
Change note articulations
Quantize the timing of notes
Edit note attributes
Note attributes overview
Change note heads
Change note size and position
Change how accidentals appear
Change how beams appear
Change voice and staff assignments
Change the direction of ties
Change note syncopation and interpretation
Use independent notes
Change note color
Reset note attributes
Restrict note input to the current key
Control how ties are displayed
Add and edit tuplets
Override display quantization using tuplets
Add grace notes and independent notes
Delete notes
Use automation in the Score Editor
Add lyrics and text
Lyrics and text overview
Add lyrics to a score
Add and edit text
Add text to a score
Edit text in a score
Edit score text event parameters
Use text styles
Add automatic text
Add global text
Work with chord grids
Chord grids overview
Instrument Editor
Chord Grid Selector
Chord Grid Editor
Insert and edit chord grids
Create custom chord grids in the Chord Grid Editor
Create and edit chord grids
Add and edit fingering dots
Add and edit barres
Mute strings in a chord grid
Add and edit chord grid libraries
Import and export chord grid libraries
Edit score region parameters
Score region parameters overview
No Overlap
Max Dots
Edit default parameters for new regions
Work with staff styles
Staff styles overview
Assign staff styles to tracks
Staff Style window
Create and duplicate staff styles
Edit staff styles
Edit staff, voice, and assign parameters
Add and delete staffs or voices in the Staff Style window in Logic Pro for Mac
Copy staffs or voices in the Staff Style window in Logic Pro for Mac
Copy staff styles between projects
Delete staff styles
Assign notes to voices and staffs
Display polyphonic parts on separate staffs
Change the staff assignment of score symbols
Beam notes across staffs
Use mapped staff styles for drum notation
Predefined staff styles
Create scores and parts using score sets
Score sets overview
Choose a score set
Create and delete score sets
Edit score set parameters
Change the instruments in a score set
Resize score sets
Create layouts for a score and its parts
Extract parts from a score
Import score sets from other projects
Edit the score layout
Score layout overview
Edit line breaks
Line and page breaks
Edit local margins
Use external symbol fonts
Share a score
Customize the Score Editor
Choose a color mode
Show folder contents
Display global tracks
Show instrument names
Display duration bars
Edit the length of duration bars
Display guide lines
Share projects
Sharing overview
Bounce projects
Bounce a project to an audio file
Burn a project to a CD or DVD
Set the bounce range
Set bounce options
PCM bounce options
MP3 bounce options
M4A: AAC bounce options
About dithering algorithms
Share songs to the Music app
Share songs to Voice Memos
Share songs using AirDrop
Share songs using MailDrop
Share a project to GarageBand for iOS
Share a project to Logic Pro for iPad
Export projects
Export a project as an AAF file
Export a project as a Final Cut Pro XML file
Export a score as Music XML
Work in surround and spatial audio
Overview of surround and spatial audio
Creating surround and spatial audio projects
Mixer components in surround and spatial audio projects
Basic settings for surround and spatial audio projects
Set the project surround format
Change the order of surround level meters
Surround settings
Create surround projects
Create a new surround project
Set the channel strip input format
Set the channel strip output format
Create spatial audio projects with Dolby Atmos
Set up for mixing in Dolby Atmos
Create a Dolby Atmos project
Create a Dolby Atmos project from an ADM BWF file
Mixing in spatial audio with Dolby Atmos
Overview of spatial audio with Dolby Atmos
Dolby Atmos basics
Bed tracks and object tracks
Rendering a Dolby Atmos mix in Logic Pro for Mac
Surround Panner
Surround Panner overview
Surround Panner parameters
3D Object Panner
3D Object Panner overview
3D Object Panner parameters
Multichannel effect plug-ins
Plug-in formats overview
Surround effects
Multi-mono effects
Multi-mono effects Configuration pane
Adjust multi-mono effects
Dolby Atmos plug-in
Dolby Atmos plug-in overview
Surround bed and 3D objects
3D Object Viewer
Monitoring formats
Binaural render modes
Downmix and trim controls
Dolby Atmos plug-in signal flow
Bounce and export spatial audio and surround projects
Bounce surround audio files
Export ADM BWF files
Additional spatial audio and Dolby Atmos information
Convert spatial audio and surround projects
Import object and bed tracks from spatial audio projects
Surround formats in a Dolby Atmos mix
Plug-ins for the surround master channel strip
Dolby Atmos mixing workflows
Additional surround information
Surround formats overview
Surround format channel distribution
Surround bounce file encoders
Speaker placement
Speaker timing and levels
Video and synchronization
Video and synchronization overview
Use movies in Logic Pro
Add a movie to your project
Use the Movie window
About the Movie track
Use movie scene markers
Use movie audio tracks
Create and edit soundtracks
Soundtracks overview
Work with absolute timecode
Logic Pro synchronization
Synchronization overview
External synchronization
Ableton Link in Logic Pro for Mac
MTC interpretation
MIDI Machine Control
Synchronization problems and solutions
Settings, project settings, and key commands
Logic Pro settings
Logic Pro settings overview
General settings
Project Handling settings
Editing settings
Cycle settings
Catch settings
Notifications settings
Accessibility settings
Audio settings
Devices settings
General settings
Sampler settings
Editing settings
Output settings
Bounce Extensions settings
Input settings
File Editor settings
MP3 settings
Recording settings
MIDI settings
General settings
Reset Messages settings
Sync settings
Inputs settings
Score settings
Movie settings
Automation settings
Control Surfaces settings
General settings
Help Tags settings
MIDI Controllers settings
View settings
General settings
Tracks settings
Mixer settings
Editors settings
My Info settings
Advanced settings
Project settings
Project settings overview
General project settings
Audio project settings
General project settings
Channel Strips project settings
Recording project settings
Smart Tempo project settings
MIDI project settings
General project settings
Input Filter project settings
Chase project settings
Clip Length project settings
Score project settings
Global project settings
Numbers & Names project settings
Tablature project settings
Chords & Grids project settings
Clefs & Signatures project settings
Layout project settings
MIDI Meaning project settings
Colors project settings
Movie project settings
Synchronization project settings
General project settings
Audio project settings
MIDI project settings
Unitor project settings
Metronome project settings
Tuning description and settings
Tuning overview
The comma and equal temperament
Hermode Tuning
Tuning project settings
Assets project settings
Key commands
Key commands overview
Browse, import, and save key commands
Assign key commands
Copy and print key commands
Key command tables
Global Commands
Global Control Surfaces Commands
Various Windows
Windows Showing Audio Files
Main Window Tracks and Various Editors
Various Editors
Views Showing Time Ruler
Views Showing Automation
Main Window Tracks
Live Loops Grid
MIDI Environment
Piano Roll
Score Editor
Event Editor
Step Editor
Step Sequencer
Project Audio
Audio File Editor
Smart Tempo Editor
Drum Machine Designer
Step Input Keyboard
Smart Controls
Tool Menu
Control Surface Install Window
Pointer shortcuts
Logic Pro projects
Various windows
Controller Assignments window
Control bar
Tracks area
Global tracks
Live Loops grid
MIDI Environment
Piano Roll Editor
Score Editor
Event List
Step Editor
Step Sequencer
Flex Time
Audio File Editor
Smart Tempo Editor
Surround Panner
Channel EQ
Space Designer
Touch Bar shortcuts
Use Control Surfaces with Logic Pro
Use control surfaces
Working with your control surface
Connect control surfaces
Add a control surface to Logic Pro for Mac
Automatic assignment for USB MIDI controllers
Grouping control surfaces
Control surface inspector
Control surface inspector overview
Device parameters
Special device parameters
Control Surface Group parameters
Control Surface Group parameters overview
Control Surface Group display parameters
Control Surface Group send and plug-in parameters
Other parameters for Control Surface Groups
Control Surfaces settings overview
Modal dialog display
Tips for using your control surface
Supported control surfaces
Software and firmware for Logic Pro for Mac
Assign hardware controllers
Controller assignments overview
Controller Assignments Easy view
Controller Assignments Easy view
Assign and delete controllers in Easy view
Controller Assignments Expert view
Controller Assignments Expert view
Expert view parameters
Assign and delete controllers in Expert view
Zones and modes
Control Name and Label fields
Flip Group and Exclusive parameters
Class pop-up menu parameters
Expert view Input Message parameters
OSC Message Paths
Expert view Value parameters
Assign buttons to key commands
Work in the Environment
Environment overview
Common object parameters
Work with Environment layers
Environment Layers overview
Create, name, delete, and switch layers
Work with Environment objects
Tools in the Environment
Add and delete objects
Move and copy objects
Adjust the position and size of objects
Use advanced selection commands
Create your MIDI signal path
MIDI signal path overview
Assign direct output connections
Cable Environment objects
Make multiple cable connections
Cable objects in series and in parallel
Exchange Environments
Exchanging Environments overview
Import Environments
Update and swap Environments
Replace Environments
Customize the Environment
Environment objects reference
Standard instrument objects
Standard instrument objects overview
Standard instrument parameters
Multi-instrument objects
Multi-instrument objects overview
Multi-Instrument window
Work with subchannels in the Environment
Mapped instrument objects
Mapped instrument objects overview
Mapped Instrument window
Custom bank selects
Touch track objects
Touch track objects overview
Touch Tracks window
Fader objects
Fader objects overview
Use fader objects
Play back fader movements
Work with object groups
Fader styles
Fader functions: MIDI events
Fader functions: range, value as
Fader functions: filter
Vector fader
Special faders overview
Cable switchers
Meta event faders
SysEx faders
Work with SysEx messages
Special functions
Alias objects
Alias objects overview
Alias parameters
Ornament objects
GM mixer objects
GM mixer objects overview
GM mixer parameters
Work with GM mixer channel strips
MMC record buttons
Keyboard objects
Monitor objects
Macro objects
Macro objects
Define a macro’s input and output
Arpeggiator objects
Arpeggiator objects
Arpeggiator parameters
Transformer objects
Transformer objects
How the transformer object works
Configure a transformer object
Use meta events to control condition and operation values
Delay line objects
Delay line objects
Delay line parameters
Voice limiter objects
Voice limiter objects
Voice limiter parameters
Channel splitter object
Chord memorizer objects
Chord memorizer objects
Chord memorizer parameters
Chord Memorizer window
Physical input objects
Physical input objects
MIDI click objects
Channel strip objects
Channel strip objects
Channel strip parameters
Input channel strip
Bus channel strip
Preview channel strip
Logic Pro Effects
Effects overview
Effects overview
Add, remove, move, and copy plug-ins
Amps and pedals
Amps and pedals overview
Amp Designer
Amp Designer overview
Amp Designer models
Amp Designer cabinets
Build a custom combo
Amplifier controls
Equalizer overview
Effects overview
Reverb effect
Tremolo and vibrato
Microphone parameters
Bass Amp Designer
Bass Amp Designer overview
Bass amplifier models
Bass cabinet models
Build a custom combo
Signal flow
Pre-amp signal flow
Use the D.I. box
Amplifier controls
Bass Amp Designer effects overview
Graphic EQ
Parametric EQ
Microphone parameters
Pedalboard overview
Use the Pedal Browser
Use import mode
Use the Pedal area
Use the Router
Utility pedals
Use Macro Controls
Stompboxes overview
Delay pedals
Distortion pedals
Dynamics pedals
Filter pedals
Modulation pedals
Pitch pedals
Delay effects
Delay effects overview
Delay Designer
Delay Designer overview
Use the main display
Use the Tap display
Create taps
Edit taps
Edit in the Tap display
Tap parameter bar
Use sync mode
Master parameters
Work in surround
Echo controls
Sample Delay controls
Stereo Delay controls
Tape Delay controls
Distortion effects
Distortion effects overview
Bitcrusher controls
ChromaGlow controls
Clip Distortion controls
Distortion effect controls
Distortion II controls
Overdrive controls
Phase Distortion controls
Dynamics processors
Dynamics processors overview
Adaptive Limiter controls
Compressor overview
Compressor main parameters
Compressor output parameters
Compressor side chain parameters
Use Compressor
DeEsser 2 controls
Enveloper controls
Expander controls
Limiter controls
Multipressor overview
Multipressor display parameters
Frequency band controls
Output parameters
Use Multipressor
Noise Gate
Noise Gate overview
Use Noise Gate
Surround Compressor
Surround Compressor overview
Link parameters
Main parameters
LFE parameters
Equalizers overview
Channel EQ
Channel EQ overview
Channel EQ parameters
Use Channel EQ shortcut menus
Channel EQ extended parameters
Channel EQ use tips
Use the Channel EQ Analyzer
Linear Phase EQ
Linear Phase EQ overview
Linear Phase EQ parameters
Use Linear Phase EQ shortcut menus
Linear Phase EQ extended parameters
Linear Phase EQ use tips
Use the Linear Phase EQ Analyzer
Match EQ
Match EQ overview
Match EQ parameters
Use Match EQ
Edit the filter curve
Single Band EQ controls
Vintage EQ Collection
Vintage EQ collection overview
Vintage Console EQ controls
Vintage Graphic EQ controls
Vintage Tube EQ controls
Filter effects
Filter effects overview
AutoFilter overview
Filter controls
Envelope controls
Distortion controls
LFO controls
Output controls
EVOC 20 Filterbank
EVOC 20 Filterbank overview
Formant Filter controls
Modulation controls
Output controls
EVOC 20 TrackOscillator
EVOC 20 TrackOscillator overview
Vocoder overview
EVOC 20 TrackOscillator interface
Analysis In controls
U/V detection controls
Synthesis In controls
Tracking oscillator controls
Tracking oscillator pitch controls
Formant filter controls
Modulation controls
Output controls
Extended parameters
Fuzz-Wah overview
Auto Wah controls
Compressor controls
Fuzz parameters
Spectral Gate
Spectral Gate overview
Use Spectral Gate
Imaging processors
Imaging processors overview
Binaural Post-Processing controls
Spatial Audio Monitoring
Direction Mixer
Direction Mixer
Stereo miking techniques
Stereo Spread controls
Mastering Assistant
Mastering Assistant overview
Add Mastering Assistant to a project
Mastering Assistant parameters
Metering tools
Metering tools overview
BPM Counter
Correlation Meter
Level Meter
Loudness Meter
MultiMeter overview
Analyzer parameters
Goniometer parameters
Level and Loudness Meters
Correlation Meter
Peak parameters
Surround MultiMeter
Surround MultiMeter overview
Analyzer mode
Goniometer mode
Balance mode
Peak parameters
Loudness and Level Meters
Use Tuner utility and plug-in
MIDI plug-ins
Use MIDI plug-ins
Arpeggiator MIDI plug-in
Arpeggiator overview
Arpeggiator control parameters
Note order parameters overview
Note order variations
Note order inversions
Arpeggiator pattern parameters overview
Use Live mode
Use Grid mode
Arpeggiator options parameters
Arpeggiator keyboard parameters
Use keyboard parameters
Assign controllers
Chord Trigger
Chord Trigger overview
Use Chord Trigger
Modifier controls
Modulator overview
LFO controls
Envelope controls
Note Repeater controls
Randomizer controls
Use Scripter
Use the Script Editor
Scripter API overview
MIDI processing functions overview
HandleMIDI function
ProcessMIDI function
GetParameter function
SetParameter function
ParameterChanged function
Reset function
JavaScript objects overview
Use the JavaScript Event object
Use the JavaScript TimingInfo object
Use the Trace object
Use the MIDI event beatPos property
Use the JavaScript MIDI object
Create Scripter controls
Transposer controls
Velocity Processor
Velocity Processor overview
Compress/Expand mode
Value/Range mode
Add/Scale mode
Record MIDI to Track
Modulation effects
Modulation effects overview
Chorus controls
Ensemble controls
Flanger controls
Microphaser controls
Modulation Delay controls
Phaser controls
Ringshifter overview
Ringshifter interface overview
Set the mode
Oscillator parameters
Delay parameters
Use envelope follower
Use LFO modulation
Output parameters
Rotor Cabinet effect
Rotor Cabinet effect overview
Motor parameters
Microphone types
Mic processing controls
Scanner Vibrato controls
Spreader controls
Tremolo controls
Multi effects
Multi-effects overview
Beat Breaker
Beat Breaker overview
Main Editor
Create a pattern
Time mode
Repeat mode
Volume mode
Work with slices
Work with patterns
Phat FX
Phat FX overview
Phat FX processors
Phat FX modulators
Global controls
Filter types
Remix FX
Step FX
Step FX overview
Step FX processors
Step modulator global controls
Step modulator playback controls
Step modulator display controls
Global controls
Filter types
Pitch effects
Pitch effects overview
Pitch Correction effect
Pitch Correction overview
Pitch Correction parameters
Quantization grid
Exclude notes from Pitch Correction
Use reference tuning
Pitch Shifter
Pitch Shifter overview
Use Pitch Shifter
Vocal Transformer
Vocal Transformer overview
Vocal Transformer parameters
Use Vocal Transformer
Reverb effects
Reverb effects overview
ChromaVerb overview
Main display and Damping EQ
Main view controls
Output EQ
Details view controls
Room types
EnVerb controls
Quantec Room Simulator
Quantec Room Simulator overview
Quantec Room Simulator: QRS controls
Quantec Room Simulator: YardStick controls
SilverVerb controls
Space Designer convolution reverb
Space Designer overview
Space Designer interface
Use impulse responses
Space Designer envelopes and EQ
Envelopes and EQ overview
Display mode bar
Edit envelopes
Volume envelope controls
Filter and filter envelope controls
Density envelope controls
Output EQ controls
Space Designer global parameters
Global parameters overview
Use global controls
Use output controls
Specialized effects
Specialized effects overview
Exciter controls
SubBass overview
Use tips
Utilities and tools
Utilities and tools overview
Auto Sampler
Auto Sampler overview
Auto Sampler interface
Auto Sampler controls
Create a sampler instrument
Work with AutoSampled instruments
Down Mixer controls
Gain controls
Use I/O utility
Multichannel Gain controls
Test Oscillator
Legacy effects
Legacy effects overview
AVerb controls
Bass Amp controls
DeEsser controls
Denoiser overview
Smoothing parameters
Ducker controls
DJ EQ controls
Fat EQ controls
Single-Band EQ controls
Silver EQ controls
GoldVerb overview
Early reflections controls
Reverb parameters
Grooveshifter controls
Guitar Amp Pro
Guitar Amp Pro overview
Amplifier models
Cabinet models
EQ controls
Amplifier controls
Mic parameters
PlatinumVerb overview
Early reflections controls
Reverb parameters
Output parameters
Silver Compressor controls
Silver Gate controls
Speech Enhancer controls
Logic Pro Instruments
Instruments overview
Instruments introduction
Add, remove, move, and copy plug-ins
Use multi-output instruments
Alchemy overview
Alchemy interface overview
Alchemy Name bar
Alchemy file locations
Alchemy Preset browser
Preset browser overview
Browser results list
Alchemy sound sources
Alchemy source overview
Source master controls
Import browser
Source subpage controls
Source filter controls
Source filter use tips
Source elements overview
Additive element controls
Additive element effects
Spectral element controls
Spectral element effects
Pitch correction controls
Formant filter controls
Granular element controls
Sampler element controls
VA element controls
Wide unison mode
Source modulations
Morph controls
Alchemy source editors
Alchemy source edit window overview
Inspector global controls
Inspector group controls
Inspector zone controls
Keymap editor
Zone waveform editor
Additive edit window overview
Partial bar display
Partial envelope controls
Spectral edit window
Alchemy main filters
Main filter controls
Filter types
Alchemy master voice section
Alchemy modulation section
Alchemy modulation overview
Modulation rack controls
LFO controls
AHDSR envelope controls
Multiple segment envelope controls
Envelope follower parameters
ModMap parameters
MIDI control modulators
Note property modulators
Perform control modulators
Alchemy Perform section
Performance controls overview
Transform pad
Performance control knobs
XY pad controls
Performance control envelopes
Alchemy arpeggiator
Alchemy arpeggiator overview
Basic arpeggiator controls
Arpeggiator sequencer controls
Arpeggiator menu commands
Use the arpeggiator
Alchemy effects section
Alchemy effects overview
Dynamic and utility effects
Filter effects
Modulation effects
Reverb effects
Alchemy Extended parameters
Alchemy tutorials
Alchemy tutorial introduction
Basic synthesis tweaks
Create sounds from scratch
Elemental morphs overview
Morph use and tips
Morph drum beats
Morph melodic sounds
Manipulate loops
Drum Kit Designer
Drum Kit Designer overview
Edit pane
Use Drum Kit Designer
Extended parameters
Drum Kit Designer mappings
Drum Machine Designer
Drum Machine Designer overview
Drum Machine Designer interface
Kit controls
Pad controls
Pad controls bar
Use pad controls
Kit Tone and Effect Smart Controls
Kit Piece Tone and Effect Smart Controls
Drum Synth
Drum Synth overview
Drum Synth Kicks
Drum Synth Snares and Claps
Drum Synth Percussion
Drum Synth Hats and Cymbals
ES1 overview
ES1 oscillator parameters
Oscillator parameters
Oscillator waveforms
Use the sub-oscillator
Global parameters
ES1 filter parameters
Filter parameters
Overdrive the filter
Amplifier parameters
ES1 envelope parameters
Envelope parameters
Filter cutoff envelope modulation
Amplifier envelope modulation
ES1 modulation
ES1 modulation overview
Use the router
Use the LFO
Use the modulation envelope
MIDI controller assignments
ES2 overview
ES2 interface overview
ES2 sound sources
Oscillator parameters overview
Basic oscillator waveforms
Use pulse width modulation
Use frequency modulation
Use ring modulation
Use Digiwaves
Use the noise generator
Detune analog oscillators
Stretch tuning
Balance oscillator levels
Set oscillator start points
Synchronize oscillators
ES2 global parameters
Global parameters overview
Set the keyboard mode
Use the unison and voices controls
Set the glide time
Set the pitch bend range
ES2 filter parameters
ES2 filter overview
Filter configuration
Crossfade between filters
Filter 1 modes
Filter 2 slopes
ES2 filter cutoff and resonance
Filter cutoff and resonance overview
Force the filters to self-oscillate
Overdrive the filters
Modulate the Filter 2 Frequency
ES2 amplifier parameters
Use the dynamic stage
Enhance sounds with the Sine Level control
ES2 modulation
ES2 modulation overview
ES2 modulation router
Use the modulation router
Control modulation intensity
LFO overview
LFO waveforms
Use the LFOs
ES2 envelopes
Envelopes overview
Envelope 1 controls
Envelope 2 and 3 controls
Use Envelope 2 and 3 sustain controls
Use the Vector Envelope
Vector Envelope points, times, and loops
Use Vector Envelope points
Use Vector Envelope solo and sustain points
Set up Vector Envelope loops
Vector Envelope release behavior
Vector Envelope point transition shapes
Set Vector Envelope times
Use Vector Envelope time scaling
Use the Vector Envelope shortcut menu
Use the Planar Pad
ES2 modulation target reference
Oscillator modulation targets
Filter modulation targets
Other modulation targets
Scaled modulation targets
Modulation source reference
Via modulation source reference
ES2 integrated effects processor controls
ES2 macro controls and controller assignments
Macros and controllers overview
Use macro controls
Assign MIDI controllers
Use ES2 in Surround mode
Extended parameters
Create random ES2 sound variations
Use randomization parameters
Restrict randomization
ES2 tutorials
Create ES2 sounds from scratch
ES2 sound design from scratch overview
Create fat sounds
Create bass sounds
Create FM sounds
Create PWM sounds
Create ring modulated sounds
Create oscillator sync sounds
Vector synthesis techniques
Create ES2 sounds with templates
Design sounds with templates
Slapped StratENV setting
Wheelrocker setting
Crescendo Brass setting
MW-Pad-Creator setting
Wheelsyncer setting
EFM1 overview
EFM1 modulator and carrier parameters
Modulator and carrier overview
Set the tuning ratio
Choose a modulator waveform
Modulation parameters
Global parameters
Output parameters
Create random sounds
Extended parameters
Assign MIDI controllers
ES E overview
Oscillator parameters
LFO parameters
Filter parameters
Envelope parameters
Output parameters
Extended parameters
ES M overview
Oscillator parameters
Filter and filter envelope controls
Level envelope and output controls
Extended parameters
ES P overview
Oscillator parameters
LFO parameters
Filter parameters
Envelope and level controls
Integrated effects processor
Extended parameters
EVOC 20 PolySynth
EVOC 20 PS and vocoding
EVOC 20 PS overview
Vocoder basics
EVOC 20 PS interface
Analysis controls
(U/V) detection parameters
EVOC 20 PS synthesis parameters
Synthesis parameters overview
EVOC 20 PS oscillator parameters
Oscillators overview
Oscillator dual mode parameters
Oscillator FM mode parameters
Noise generator parameters
Tuning and pitch controls
Filter parameters
Envelope parameters
Global parameters
Formant filter controls
Modulation parameters
Output parameters
EVOC 20 PS performance tips
Level and frequency tips
Tips to avoid sonic artifacts
Tips to enhance speech intelligibility
Vocoder history
EVOC 20 block diagram
Quick Sampler
Quick Sampler overview
Add audio to Quick Sampler
Quick Sampler modes
Choose a mode
Classic mode
One Shot mode
Slice mode
Recorder mode
Quick Sampler waveform display
Use Flex in Quick Sampler
Quick Sampler modulators
Mod Matrix pane
LFO controls
Quick Sampler Pitch controls
Quick Sampler Filter controls
Quick Sampler filter types
Quick Sampler Amp controls
Quick Sampler extended parameters
Retro Synth
Retro Synth overview
Analog oscillator controls
Sync oscillator controls
Retro Synth Table oscillator controls
Table oscillator parameters
Use the Wavetable menu
FM oscillator controls
Filter controls
Filter types
Amp and effect controls
Retro Synth modulation controls
Use Retro Synth modulation
Glide and Autobend modulation
LFO and Vibrato modulation
Global and controller settings
Extended parameters
Sample Alchemy
Sample Alchemy overview
Interface overview
Add source material
Edit mode
Play modes
Source overview
Synthesis modes
Granular controls
Additive effects
Additive effect controls
Spectral effect
Spectral effect controls
Filter module
Lowpass, bandpass, and highpass filters
Comb PM filter
Downsampler filter
FM filter
Envelope generators
Mod Matrix
Modulation routing
Motion mode
Trim mode
More menu
Sampler overview
Load and save instruments in Sampler
Sampler Synthesizer parameters
Synth pane
Synth Details
Use Unison, Mode, and Polyphony parameters
Crossfade between filters
Filter types
Sampler Modulation
Sampler Modulation overview
Sampler Mod Matrix pane
Use the Mod Matrix
Use Sampler via sources
Sampler LFOs
LFO overview
LFO waveforms
Use the LFO ramp generator
Set the LFO rate
Use Sampler envelopes
Sampler modulation reference
Modulation targets
Modulation sources
Modulation Via sources
Sampler Edit panes
Sampler Mapping and Zone pane overview
Use the Key Mapping Editor
Use Group view
Make advanced group selections
Fade between sample groups
Use Zone view
Use Mapping pane menu commands
Use the Zone pane
Synchronize audio with Flex
Edit in the Audio File Editor
Create instruments, zones, and groups
Sampler instruments overview
Create instruments
Quickly create an instrument
Create Sampler instruments from Logic Pro for Mac audio regions
Create zones with drag and drop
Create zones with menu commands
Create groups
Edit Sampler zones and groups
Edit zones and groups overview
Select a zone or group
Graphically edit zones and groups
Use zone and group output labels
Use key labels
Sampler articulation handling
Manage sampler instruments
Instrument management
Storage locations
Add SoundFont2, DLS, and Gigasampler files
Sampler memory management
Sampler extended parameters
Sculpture overview
Sculpture interface
Sculpture string parameters
String overview
Hide, Keyscale, and Release view
Basic Material Pad controls
Material Pad Keyscale or Release view
String parameter sliders
Sculpture objects parameters
Objects overview
Excite table (objects 1 and 2)
Disturb and damp table (objects 2 and 3)
Sculpture pickups parameters
Pickup parameters
Spread controls
Global parameters
Amplitude envelope parameters
Use the Waveshaper
Filter parameters
Sculpture Body EQ parameters
Body EQ overview
Basic EQ model
Body EQ models
Sculpture delay effect parameters
Delay effect overview
Groove Pad (stereo)
Groove Pad (surround)
Output parameters
Use surround range and diversity
Sculpture modulation controls
Sculpture modulation overview
Sculpture LFOs
LFO overview
LFO waveforms
Modulate the LFOs
Vibrato parameters
Jitter generator controls
Use note-on random modulators
Velocity modulators
Use Controller A and B
Sculpture envelope parameters
Envelope overview
Active envelope controls
Envelope display parameters
Use envelope nodes
Loop envelopes
Record envelopes
Sculpture morph parameters
Morph overview
Sculpture Morph Pad
Morph points in the Morph Pad
Morph Pad menu commands
Randomize points in the Morph Pad
Randomize menu commands
Sculpture Morph Envelope
Morph Envelope display overview
Morph Envelope parameters
Morph Envelope mode
Morph Envelope Sustain and loop mode
Record Morph Envelopes
Define MIDI controllers
Extended parameters
Sculpture tutorials
Explore Sculpture
Explore Sculpture overview
Explore the string
Explore objects
String and object interplay
Explore the pickups
Explore other processing options
Explore modulation options
Create basic sounds in Sculpture
Basic sound programming overview
Program acoustic instruments
Program stringed instruments
Program classic synthesizer sounds
Advanced Sculpture tutorial: electric bass
Electric bass programming overview
Program a basic bass sound
Refine the basic bass sound
Program a picked bass sound
Program a slap bass sound
Program a fretless bass sound
Add effects to your bass sound
Advanced Sculpture tutorial: synthesizer sounds
Synthetic sound programming overview
Program a sustained synthesizer sound
Program morphed sounds
Studio Bass
Studio Bass overview
Main view parameters
Details view parameters
Keyswitch mapping
String and position MIDI Out channel assignments
Studio Horns
Studio Horns overview
Extended parameters
Keyswitch mapping
Section MIDI channel assignments
Studio Piano
Studio Strings
Studio Strings overview
Extended parameters
Keyswitch mapping
Section MIDI channel assignments
Ultrabeat overview
Ultrabeat interface
Ultrabeat Assignment section
Assignment section overview
Play and select drum sounds
Name, swap, and copy drum sounds
Import sounds and sampler instruments
Synthesizer section overview
Ultrabeat sound sources
Oscillator overview
Oscillator 1 phase oscillator mode
Use oscillator 1 FM mode
Oscillator 1 side chain mode
Oscillator 2 phase oscillator mode
Waveform characteristics
Use oscillator 2 sample mode
Use oscillator 2 model mode
Ring modulator controls
Noise generator controls
Filter section controls
Distortion circuit controls
Ultrabeat Output section
Output section overview
Two-band EQ parameters
Ultrabeat pan and stereo spread
Use pan modulation mode
Use stereo spread mode
Voice volume control
Trigger mode controls
Ultrabeat modulation
Ultrabeat modulation overview
Mod and via modulation
Create a mod routing
Set MIDI controllers A–D
Use the LFOs
Envelope overview
Envelope parameters
Modulation target display
Ultrabeat step sequencer
Ultrabeat step sequencer overview
Step sequencer basics
Step sequencer interface
Global sequencer controls
Pattern controls
Use the swing function
Ultrabeat Step grid
Step grid overview
Create and remove steps
Ultrabeat trigger shortcut menu
Set step lengths and velocities
Set step accents
Use the Step grid full view
Automate Ultrabeat step sequencer parameters
Step automation overview
Use the offset row
Export Ultrabeat patterns as MIDI regions
Step sequencer MIDI control
Ultrabeat tutorials
Ultrabeat sound programming overview
Create kick drums
Create snare drums
Create tonal percussion
Create hi-hats and cymbals
Create metallic sounds
Tips for extreme sounds
Utility instruments
External Instrument
Vintage B3 Organ
Vintage B3 overview
Vintage B3 Main window
Main window overview
Draw bar controls
Scanner Vibrato and Chorus
Percussion effect
Use preset keys
Set up Vintage B3 for your MIDI equipment
MIDI setup overview
Use multiple or multichannel controllers
Use a single-channel controller
Vintage B3 Rotor Cabinet window
Rotor Cabinet window overview
Advanced Cabinet parameters
Advanced Motor parameters
Advanced Brake parameters
Microphone types
Microphone parameters
Vintage B3 Options window
Options window overview
Master and Click controls
Morph parameters
Use Morph controls
Vintage B3 Effects window
Use the integrated effects
EQ controls
Wah effect controls
Distortion effect controls
Reverb effect controls
Vintage B3 Expert window
Expert window overview
Pitch controls
Sustain controls
Condition controls
Organ Model controls
Use a MIDI controller with Vintage B3
Set a MIDI control mode
MIDI mode: Roland VK or Korg CX
MIDI mode: Hammond Suzuki
MIDI mode: Native Instruments B4D
MIDI mode: Nord Electro
MIDI mode: Crumar
B3 and Leslie information
Additive synthesis with draw bars
The residual effect
Tonewheel sound generation
A brief Hammond history
The Leslie cabinet
Vintage Clav
Vintage Clav overview
Vintage Clav interface
Vintage Clav Main window
Main window overview
Vintage Clav models
Model characteristics
Use Pickup parameters
Use Stereo Spread
Vintage Clav Effects window
Effects window overview
Compressor effect controls
Distortion effect controls
Modulation effect controls
Wah effect controls
Vintage Clav Details window
Details window overview
Excite and Click parameters
String parameters
Pitch parameters
Misc parameters
Extended parameters
D6 Clavinet information
D6 Clavinet history
D6 mechanical details
Vintage Electric Piano
Vintage Electric Piano overview
Vintage Electric Piano interface
Vintage Electric Piano Effects window
EQ controls
Drive effect controls
Chorus effect controls
Phaser effect controls
Tremolo effect controls
Vintage Electric Piano Details window
Model controls
Pitch controls
Extended parameters
Vintage Electric Piano emulations
Rhodes models
Hohner and Wurlitzer models
MIDI controller assignments
Vintage Mellotron
Vintage Mellotron overview
Vintage Mellotron controls
Legacy instruments
Legacy instruments overview
Emulated instruments
Church Organ
Drum Kits
Electric Clav(inet)
Electric Piano
Sound Effects
Tuned Percussion
Tonewheel Organ
Analog Basic
Analog Mono
Analog Pad
Analog Swirl
Analog Sync
Digital Basic
Digital Mono
Digital Stepper
External Instrument
Hybrid Basic
Hybrid Morph
Synthesizer basics
Synthesizer basics overview
Sound basics
Sound basics overview
Tones, overtones, harmonics, and partials
The frequency spectrum
Other waveform properties
Synthesizer fundamentals
Subtractive synthesizers
How subtractive synthesizers work
Subtractive synthesizer components
Filters overview
Cutoff frequency
Filter drive
Filter slope
Envelopes in the amplifier
Amplifier envelope overview
Attack, decay, sustain, and release
Modulation overview
Modulation routing in ES1 and ES2
Common modulation sources
Global controls
Other synthesis methods
Other synthesis methods overview
Sample-based synthesis
Frequency modulation (FM) synthesis
Component modeling synthesis
Wavetable, Vector, and LA synthesis
Additive synthesis
Spectral synthesis
Phase distortion synthesis
Granular synthesis
A brief synthesizer history
Precursors to the synthesizer
Early voltage-controlled synthesizers
The Minimoog
Storage and polyphony
Digital synthesizers
Logic Pro Instruments:
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One Shot mode
Recorder mode