Web Accessibility and Ageing Task Force (WAI-AGE TF) Work Statement
[Status: Approved by EOWG on 9 May 2008; Closed as of 30 September 2010.]
Page Contents
WAI-AGE Project ended as of 30 September 2010. Up-to-date resources on web accessibility for older people are available at Objectives
The objective of the Web Accessibility and Ageing Task Force (WAI-AGE TF) was to advise WAI-AGE staff and EOWG on development and revision of educational materials and outreach strategies around the requirements of people with accessibility needs related to ageing, in association with the work of the WAI-AGE Project. This included: WAI-AGE TF operated under the Charter of the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG). WAI-AGE TF focused on the areas below throughout the duration of the WAI-AGE Project: Inform and advise on the collection of relevant resources documenting accessibility needs related to ageing for the design of websites, browsers, and authoring tools. Provide advice on the analysis of these resources, and the preparation of a literature review and/or white paper for publishing (possibly as a Working Group Note). Provide input on the effective communication of these findings to developers and end-users. Advise the development of strategies and resources to expand networks and promote outreach to people with accessibility needs related to ageing, and to researchers and experts in the field of accessibility and ageing. Also, encourage their participation in WAI groups, and advise WAI on how to support their participation and develop a better mutual understanding between the needs of people with disabilities and those with Web accessibility needs due to ageing. WAI-AGE TF participants provided feedback and contribution on the revision of existing and development of new W3C/WAI educational resources, as part of WAI-AGE Project Deliverables. WAI-AGE TF communications are publicly available. Communication mechanisms for the Task Force included: WAI-AGE TF participants were participants of EOWG and actively contributed to the work of the Task Force, including: Task Force Facilitator was Andrew Arch ([email protected]) Previous active Task Force participants included:
Scope of Work
Collection and Understanding of Accessibility Requirements Due to Ageing
Outreach & Networking
Materials Development