You can provide ratings and photos of places you visit to help other Maps users.
Your ratings and photos appear everywhere you’re or > Apps > Maps.
Turn on Allow Photo Providers to Use Your Photos.
Photos you share include location data, but not your identity. If you turn this setting off, photo providers may no longer use your photos. (It may take a few days to take effect.)
You can add and remove photos, add or remove your photo credit, and provide a nickname for your photo credit.
Go to the Maps app , then tap Change Photo Credit. The photo credit option you choose applies to all photos you previously submitted and continue to submit.
You may receive suggestions in Maps to submit a rating or photo if you recently visited or took a photo of a point of interest. These suggestions use on-device processing and can’t be read by Apple. If you don’t want to receive these suggestions, you can turn them off.
Go to Settings Get information about places in Maps on iPad