When you’re an Apple Music subscriber, you can see music your friends are listening to by following them. You can also see the playlists they’ve shared. Likewise, your followers can see your shared playlists and the music you’re listening to. You see this information on your profile screen in the Music app .
Tap Start Sharing with Friends.
Friends can now follow you.
Tap Listen Now, then tap to reorder them.
Your followers will see the playlists you create on your profile unless you turn off those playlists you don’t want to share. You can turn off this option when you create a playlist or later, when you edit the playlist.
To share playlists with people who don’t follow you, touch and hold a playlist, then tap Share Playlist.
Note: If you make changes to music you share—edit or stop sharing a playlist, for example—those changes are reflected on your followers’ devices.
Tap Listen Now, then tap , tap Share, then choose a sharing option.
You can also share the profile of anyone you follow, or who follows you.
If you have a concern about a follower, touch and hold their profile picture, then tap Report a Concern.