To help you find the photos and videos you’re looking for, you can change how items in the library are sorted, filter the library to show only particular items, and change the layout of the photo grid.
Go to the Photos app , then tap Filter.
Choose one or more filters to apply.
You can apply multiple filters at the same time. For example, select Photos and Edited to see only photos you’ve edited.
To remove the filters and return to the full library, tap All Items.
Go to the Photos app , then tap View Options.
Choose any of the following:
Zoom In: See each photo or video thumbnail larger.
Zoom Out: See more photos and video thumbnails at the same time.
Aspect Ratio Grid: View each photo or video thumbnail in its actual shape, horizontal or vertical. To return to square thumbnails, tap Square Photo Grid.
Unhide Screenshots: By default, screenshots are hidden in the library. Select Screenshots to unhide them.
Show Shared with You: Show photos and videos in the library that someone shared with you in Messages.