Check the weather for your current location. View the upcoming hourly and 10-day forecast, see severe weather information, and more.
Note: Weather uses Location Services to get the forecast for your current location. To make sure Location Services is turned on, go to Settings , then tap My Location.
Swipe up to view weather details such as:
Hourly forecast: Swipe the hourly display left or right.
Tip: Tap the hourly forecast to see the hourly temperature forecast, chance of precipitation, high and low temperatures, and more. Tap Feature availability and data sources in the Weather app.
You can change the units used in weather data. This includes Fahrenheit or Celsius for temperature, and miles per hour, kilometers per hour, knots, or Beaufort for wind.
Go to the Weather app next to the current measurement unit, then choose an option.
You can report the weather in your location if it doesn’t match what’s shown in the Weather app.
Go to the Weather app Check the weather in other locations on iPad