The Books app helps you keep track of how many minutes you read each day, and how many books and audiobooks you finish each year. You can customize your goals to spend more time reading, set new reading streaks, and receive encouragement to reach your goals.
Tap Home, then tap the reading goals button at the top right of the screen.
Tap a book cover or a cover placeholder, then tap Adjust Goal.
Slide the counter up or down to set the books per year that you want to read, then tap Done.
Tip: You can change the status of a book in your library to finished. Tap > Apps > Books, then turn off Reading Goals.
When Reading Goals is turned off, the reading indicators in Home are hidden and you don’t receive reading notifications.
To clear your reading data, such as time spent reading, reading goals, and reading streaks, go to Settings Read PDFs in the Books app on iPad