To get the most out of Apple News+, follow your favorite publications and browse through current and back issues.
Note: Apple News and Apple News+ aren’t available in all countries or regions. See the Apple Support article in the tab bar), enter the publication’s name, then tap on your iPad.
Stories and issues from Apple News+ appear in the Today feed, Best of News+ feed, and channel feeds. Stories (but not issues) can also be found in topic feeds and search results.
To access entire issues, tap News+ in the sidebar or tab bar, where you can do any of the following:
View News+ content chosen just for you: Near the top of the screen, tap Best of News+.
View all available publications: Tap Catalog near the top of the screen.
View a specific content category: Tap Catalog, tap Featured, then tap a category such as Money & Business, Entertainment, or Sports.
View new and recent issues: Tap My Magazines. By default, new issues appear near the top of the screen. The issue you’ve most recently read appears first. If you’ve recently downloaded an issue, it appears next. To choose a different sorting option, tap on your iPad.
Do any of the following:
Tap News+ in the sidebar or tab bar, tap My Magazines, tap on your iPad.
Open the issue, where you can do any of the following:
View the table of contents: Tap the cover thumbnail at the bottom left of the screen.
Navigate to a story: In an issue in Apple News Format, tap the story link in the table of contents. In a PDF issue, tap the thumbnail of the page you want to view.
Page through an issue: Swipe left to go to the next story, or swipe right to go to the previous story.
Change the text size: In stories in Apple News Format, tap Use Offline Mode to read downloaded News content on iPad