Focus is a feature that helps you concentrate on a task by minimizing distractions. When you want to focus on a specific activity, you can customize one of the provided Focus options—for example Work, Personal, or Sleep—or open Control Center, tap Focus, then turn on Do Not Disturb.
Go to Settings at the top of the screen. You can also silence specific people by tapping Silence Notifications From instead.
Apps: Tap Apps, then tap Allow Notifications From. Tap at the top of the screen.
Specify the Lock Screen and Home Screen options:
Choose the Lock Screen for this Focus: Tap the Lock Screen preview below Customize Screens, select a Lock Screen, then tap Done at the top of the screen.
Choose the Home Screen for this Focus: Tap the Home Screen preview below Customize Screens, select a Home Screen page, tap Done, then tap schedule the Focus to turn on automatically.
When you set up a Focus, you can add app filters that determine what information apps will show during the Focus. For example, you can choose which mail account or which calendar to use during the Focus.
Go to Settings > Focus, then tap the Focus you want to add filters to.
Tap Customize Focus, then tap Add Filter (below Focus Filters).
Tap an app, tap Choose, then select the information from that app you want to see during the Focus:
Calendar: Choose which calendar you want to show during the Focus.
Mail: Choose which mail accounts you want to use during the Focus.
Messages: Choose which message conversations you want to see during the Focus—for example, only conversations from people you’ve allowed notifications from during this Focus.
Safari: Choose which Tab Group you want to use during the Focus.
Tap Add to add the filter to the Focus.
If you want to focus on an activity that’s different from any of the provided Focus options, you can create a custom Focus.
Go to Settings Set up a Focus.
You can use the same Focus settings on all your Apple devices where you’re Link a Focus to your Lock ScreenMove apps and widgets on the iPad Home Screen