Use the Home app and Control Center to control accessories in your home.
On the Home tab, tap an accessory’s icon on the left side of the tile—a light, for example—to quickly turn the accessory on or off. Tap the accessory’s name on the right side of the tile to show the accessory’s control.
The available controls depend on the type of accessory. For example, with some lightbulbs, there are controls for changing colors. With your smart TV, you can choose an input source.
You can add Home scenes and accessories to Control Center for easy access to your most used accessories.
When you have a home hub using the on your iPad.
Tap the light’s tile to show the controls.
You can also touch and hold the tile, then choose Accessory Settings.
Tap on your iPad.
Tap the right side of an accessory tile, tap Set up accessories with Home on iPad