You can use the Home app to view video activity captured by your home’s cameras. With any HomeKit-compatible camera, you can Home accessories website for a list of compatible security cameras.
If you have one or more HomeKit Secure Video cameras, you can additionally take advantage of these features:
Encrypted video: Video captured by your cameras is privately analyzed and encrypted on your home hub device (Apple TV or HomePod) and securely uploaded to iCloud so that only you and those you share it with can view it.
Record video: If you subscribe to iCloud+, you can view the last 10 days of activity from one to an unlimited number of cameras. The 50 GB iCloud+ plan supports a single camera, the 200 GB iCloud+ plan supports up to five cameras, and the 2 TB, 6 TB, and 12 TB iCloud+ plans support an unlimited number of cameras.
Note: Video content doesn’t count against your iCloud storage limit.
Activity Zones: Create zones that focus your camera on the most important areas within its view.
Face recognition: Receive notifications when people you’ve tagged in the Photos app are within the camera’s view.
See to see these options:
Room: A camera can be located in a room inside your home, or you can create a room for an outside location such as your front porch or back yard.
Notifications: Choose to receive notifications on your iPad.
On the Home tab, tap the camera tile, then tap on your iPad.
Tap Set up accessories with Home on iPad